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本文调查了200例正常心脏左右房室瓣的数目、大小和各瓣的排列关系。依主瓣的数目把左、右房室瓣各分为三个类型。右房室瓣第二型(三尖型)较多(53.5%);第一型(四尖型)次之(43.5%)。左房室瓣第一型(二尖型)最多(83.0%);第二型(三尖型)次之(17.0%)。在主瓣之间有副瓣,右房室瓣有副瓣者132例(66.0%),其中一个副瓣者最多(95例,占72.0%),并以前内侧副瓣占多数(65例,占38.0%)。左房室瓣有副瓣者103例(51.5%),也以一个副瓣者最多(92例,占89.3%),其中后内侧副瓣占多数(71例,占62.3%)。以主副瓣统一计算,右室以四个瓣最为常见(40.5%),其次为五个瓣(29.0%)和三个瓣(20.5%)。左房室瓣三个瓣最为常见(50.5%),其次为二个瓣(38.0%)和四个瓣(11.0%)。对尖瓣的大小和房室口的周长进行了测量。右室后内侧瓣最宽(40.1毫米),后外侧瓣(24.5毫米)和外侧瓣(20.7毫米)最高。左室后外侧瓣最宽(36.9毫米),前内侧瓣最高(20.8毫米)。联合瓣一般皆比普通主瓣大,主瓣各径皆大于副瓣。左房室口周长为79.69毫米,右房室口周长为97.79毫米。 This article investigated the number of 200 cases of normal heart atrioventricular valve, the size and arrangement of the relationship between the petals. According to the number of main lobe left and right atrioventricular valve is divided into three types. Right atrioventricular valve type II (three pointed type) more (53.5%); type one (four pointed type) followed (43.5%). Left atrioventricular valve type (type II) was the most (83.0%); type II (type III) was the second (17.0%). There were 132 cases (66.0%) of the right atrioventricular valve with sidelobe between the main lobe and the right atrioventricular valve. One of them had the largest number of sidelobe (95 cases, accounting for 72.0%), and the former had the majority of lateral lobe (65 cases, Accounting for 38.0%). There were 103 cases (51.5%) with aortic valve flap in the left atrioventricular valve and 92 cases (89.3%) with a sidelobe valve. The posterior medial flap was the majority (71 cases, 62.3%). In terms of the major and minor lobes, the four valves of the right ventricle were the most common (40.5%), followed by the five lobes (29.0%) and the three lobes (20.5%). Three lobes of left atrioventricular valve were the most common (50.5%), followed by two lobes (38.0%) and four lobes (11.0%). The size of the cusp and the circumference of the atrium were measured. The widest posterior medial flap (40.1 mm), the posterior lateral flap (24.5 mm), and lateral flap (20.7 mm) were the highest. The left lateral posterolateral flap is the widest (36.9 mm) and the anterior medial flap is the highest (20.8 mm). Joint petals are generally larger than the average main lobe, the main lobe diameter are greater than the side lobe. Left atrioventricular circumference was 79.69 mm, right atrioventricular circumference was 97.79 mm.
提出基于“学案和视频”导学教学模式,呈现该模式的教学流程,用该模式对“磁场对通电导线作用力”实施教学并作教后反思。 This paper puts forward a teaching process bas
本文是冠状动脉研究的继续,着重观察左冠状动脉及其分支。 材料与方法 所用材料为50例经福尔马林固定过的中国成人离体心脏(年龄、性别均无记载),先向左、右冠状动脉灌注红