年轻的瑞士建筑师M·波塔(Mario Botta,图1)以他独特的风格赢得了世界范围的瞩目。 1943年,波塔生于瑞士南部讲意大利语的提契诺州。1961年,就读于意大利米兰市艺术专科学校,1964年获得证书。同年,他进入威尼斯建筑学院学习。1969年毕业后不久,波塔回到家乡卢加诺市,独立开业,开始了他建筑师的生涯。七十年代初期以来,波塔设计了一系列富有特色的独家住宅楼,它们大多地处瑞士山村坡地上,设计精致,手法娴熟,逐渐为瑞士本国及
The young Swiss architect Mario Botta (Figure 1) has won worldwide attention in his unique style. In 1943, Pota was born in the Italian Italian Ticino in southern Switzerland. In 1961, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, Italy and obtained a certificate in 1964. In the same year, he entered the Venice School of Architecture. Shortly after graduating in 1969, Porta returned to Lugano, his hometown, and opened his own business. He began his career as an architect. Since the early 1970s, Porta has designed a series of distinctive and exclusive residential buildings. Most of them are located on the slopes of Swiss villages. They are exquisitely designed and have a mature approach.