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Invited by Taiwan“Shen Chun-chy Culture and Education Fund”,“the Imposing Murals of Yongle Palace of Shanxi”was shown at the Yat-sen Gallery of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan from 1 to 28 of February 2001. The exhibition contained three parts: a) thirty-one exact copies of the essential part of murals from Sanqing Hall and Chunyang Hall; b) pictures, sand tables and objects that introduce architectural styles of Yongle Palace and its historical relocation; and c) pictorial materials that depict the life and legends of Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals, and Taoist regimens as well as a Yuan (1271-1368) white marble sitting statue of Lu Dongbin, Shouzi (longevity) Stele, Yangxing Baizi (one hundred characters for how to practice sexual disciplines) Stele and Yangming Baizi (one hundred characters for how to achieve immortality) Stele (reproduction). On the show piggybacked a couple of workshops like “the Arts of Murals of the Yongle Palace”and“Protection of Shanxi’s Cultural Artifacts”plus a dozen peripheral activities. The exhibition and other peripheral programs were such a resounding success that they even aroused the interests of many party and governmental officials and celebrities. The exhibition has introduced not only Yuncheng and Shanxi to Taiwan but also enhanced in Taiwan the name awareness of Yuncheng as well as Shanxi. Invited by Taiwan “Shen Chun-chy Culture and Education Fund”, “The Imposing Murals of Yongle Palace of Shanxi” was shown at the Yat-sen Gallery of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan from 1 to 28 of February 2001 The exhibition contained three parts: a) thirty-one exact copies of the essential part of murals from Sanqing Hall and Chunyang Hall; b) pictures, sand tables and objects that introduce architectural styles of Yongle Palace and its historical relocation ; and c) pictorial materials that depict the life and legends of Lu Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals, and Taoist regimens as well as a Yuan (1271-1368) white marble sitting statue of Lu Dongbin, Shouzi (longevity) Stele, Yangxing Baizi (one hundred characters for how to practice sexual disciplines) Stele and Yangming Baizi (one hundred characters for how to achieve immortality) Stele (reproduction). On the show piggybacked a couple of law like “the Arts of Murals of the Yongle Palace ”and“ Protection of Shanxi’s Cultural Artifacts ”plus a dozen peripheral activities. The exhibition and other peripheral programs were such a resounding success that they even aroused the interests of many party and governmental officials and celebrities. The exhibition has introduced not only Yuncheng and Shanxi to Taiwan but also enhanced in Taiwan the name awareness of Yuncheng as well as Shanxi.
[总体阅读思考] 一、本文主要是针对哪种错误倾向而写的?文中阐明了哪些主要观点? 二、根据议论文一般的结构方式,想想本文的引论、本论和结论三部分应如何划分? 三、文章是
双刃剑  科幻电影《复仇者联盟》里有一幕令人印象深刻:肩负保卫地球职责的神盾局为了找到大反派洛基的藏身地,不惜开动高性能电脑,通过遍布全球的摄像头所拍摄的照片,一一比对,最终在茫茫人海中找到了他,精确定位到了某条街道的某栋楼。虽然这只是科幻电影中的桥段,但凭借目前的技术水平,距离实现这一幕已经很接近了,甚至这一技术中的一部分已经变成了现实。  根据统计,英国伦敦共部署了50多万个摄像头,每个人每天
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80年代以来,档案编研工作      同整个档案工作一样发展 很快,地方综合档案馆相继成立了编研机构,县馆无编研机构的也设有专职编研人员,加之档案馆(室)达标升级活动的开展,使档案
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一、下列各句中加点的词,是句子的什么成分?请仔细思考,然后将正确选项填入表中。 1、她天天坐在窗口做针线。选项有:①是谓语;②是补语;③是状语;④是主语。 2、第比利斯的