
来源 :语文教学与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovepengchen
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《语文教学大纲》对学生写作能力的要求是:能写比较复杂的记叙文、说明文、议论文,练写少量应用文。记、说、议三种文体的重点训练,是对学生写作能力的基本要求;对其他文体的写作练习,只是让学生掌握一般应用文写作知识,以适应社会生活实际的需要。就选入的课文文体看,除少量文言文和少数应用文,其他均为记、说、议三种文体,体现了读写紧密结合的关系。选编的文章,情文并茂,内容与形式完美统一,都可作为学生习作的楷模,是教学中读写训练的最佳范本。 The requirements of the “Chinese Syllabus” for students’ writing ability are: to write more complicated narratives, explanatory texts, argumentative essays, and to write a small number of applied papers. The key training for writing, speaking, and discussing three kinds of styles is the basic requirement for students’ writing ability; for other writing practices, students are only allowed to master general applied writing knowledge to meet the actual needs of social life. As for the style of the selected text, except for a small amount of classical Chinese and a small number of applied texts, the other are all three types of writing, speaking, and discussion, reflecting the tightly-coupled relationship between reading and writing. The selected articles, with their loveliness and content, and the perfect unity of content and form, can serve as a model for student work and a best example of literacy training in teaching.
在实际生活中可以看到,一些人为了减肥防胖,或者生活习惯等原因,长期不吃肉,但是体重却有增无减(指单纯性肥胖),原因何在呢? In real life, it can be seen that some peop
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语文学习是一种积淀。 我们首先考察语文学习的客体。各式各样的言语作品,无论是浩如烟海的文学作品,还是卷帙浩繁的学术著述,都记录着民族的社会生活、风俗习惯和斗争经验,
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