为迎接新世纪 ,把《大学图书馆学报》办成面向未来的图书馆学精品期刊 ,2000年初我刊本着学术权威和管理专家兼顾的原则 ,邀请17位图书馆界知名人士加盟 ,组成了新一届编委会。一年来 ,得益于编委们的点拨、策划 ,本刊在学术风格、版式设计等方面都作了一些新的尝试和探
In order to meet the new century, the “University Libraries Journal” to become the future of library science journals, I published in early 2000 with the academic authority and management experts take into account the principles, invited 17 well-known figures in the library industry joined to form a new The editorial board. Over the past year, thanks to the editorial staff of the call, planning, publications in academic style, layout design and made some new attempts and exploration