Complete oral rehabilitation in a case with severe dental fluorosis

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maamyaayha
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The authors have presented a technique of full occlusal rehabilitation in a case of severe dental fluorosis. In this technique, maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were simultaneously prepared and restored first. This was followed by simultaneous preparation of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth that were restored in canine guided occlusion. The technique and sequence followed here is unique and is not available in dental literature. This technique reduces number of appointments while fulfilling all objectives. Periodontal followup over 3 years was satisfactory. A restorative treatment protocol has been devised for fluorosis which will act as a guide for the dental practitioners. The authors have presented a technique of full occlusal rehabilitation in a case of severe dental fluorosis. In this technique, maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were simultaneously prepared and restored first. This was followed by simultaneous preparation of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth that were restored in canine guided occlusion. The technique and sequence followed here is unique and is not available in dental literature. This technique reduces number of appointments while fulfilling all objectives. Periodontal followup over 3 years was satisfactory. A restorative treatment protocol has been devised for fluorosis which will act as a guide for the dental practitioners
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为了更真实具体地了解、认识和把握当今城市小学生的思想道德状况, 增强德育工作的针对性和实效性,重庆市教委于2007年12月—2008年3月组织开展了“重庆市小学生思想道德建设现状”专项调查。调查对象为本市北碚区三所城市小学4—6年级190名学生。调查采用网上问卷方式进行。问卷内容分为思想政治、道德品质、公民素养、心理品质、成长影响等五大方面,共计40个小题。调查发放问卷190份,回收有效问卷187
阅读《十六年前的回忆》片断,回答问题。  那年春天,父亲(李大钊)每天夜里回来得很晚,每天早晨,不知道他什么时候又出去了。  有时候他留在家里,埋头整理书籍和文件。我蹲在旁边,看他把书和有字的纸投到火炉里去。  我奇怪地问他:“爹,为什么要烧掉呢?怪可惜的。”  待(dāidài)了一会儿,父亲才回答:“不要了就烧掉。你小孩子家知道什么!”  父亲是很慈祥的,从来没骂过我们,更没打过我们。我总爱向
原方案设计源自幼儿生活,有效关注幼儿的情感体验和社会性发展,具有积极的现实意义。下而针对方案中的一些细节问题谈谈我的看法。  1.目标。原方案只提出认知目标和技能目标,笔者觉得不管是从活动设计意图出发,还是作为社会领域的活动来看,都应该补充一条情感目标,例如:疏导害怕的心理感受,巩固积极的情感体验。  2.准备。原方案的材料准备中有“背景音乐”,那么它在方案中起什么作用?是舒缓的曲风还是诡异惊悚的
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