有“放心编辑”之称的山西日报主任编辑刘金宝同志,最近在京被评为第二届“全国百佳新闻工作者”。 刘金宝从事新闻工作近30年,曾做过10年政法编辑,后任群工部副主任,主编《读者来信》专版。1991年至今任记者部主任,功夫下在出点子、搞策划上,下在精心采编稿件上。1995年——1996年,他协助总编辑精心策划、组织驻站记者,以小分队的形式抓全省重点系列报道和典型报道50个。比如,反
Comrade Liu Jinbao, editor-in-chief of Shanxi Daily, known as “Editor at ease,” was recently voted the second “Top 100 Journalist in Beijing” in Beijing. Liu Jinbao engaged in journalism for nearly 30 years, has done 10 years of political and legal editor, served as deputy director of group work, editor of “reader letter” special edition. Since 1991, he has served as director of the press department, under the concept of kung fu, engage in planning, the next carefully edited manuscripts. From 1995 to 1996, he assisted the editor-in-chief to carefully plan and organize stationed reporters and capture 50 key series and typical reports of the province in the form of small units. For example, anti