一次科学活动的开始,应该来自幼儿已有的经验,而一次科学活动的结束,应使幼儿有进一步探索的可能,成为获取新经验的开始。延伸活动就是幼儿继续探索和广泛实践的广阔天地。我们认为,延伸活动可以使科学教育由封闭走向开放,让幼儿真切地感受、体验科学技术给人类生活带来的进步,同时也使幼儿在潜移默化中关心周围事物、关心生活。如“认识电话”以后,我们带幼儿参观电话机商店和电信局,了解投币电话、IC 卡电话、移动电话等不同类型的电话,感受电话的更新、发展对人们生活的影响;还让幼儿
The beginning of a scientific activity should come from the experience of young children, and the conclusion of a scientific activity should make young children have the possibility of further exploration as the beginning of new experiences. Stretching is an area where children continue to explore and practice extensively. In our opinion, the extension of activities can make science education open to the outside world from closed to allow young children to really feel and experience the progress that science and technology bring to human life. At the same time, they also help young children care about the surroundings and care for their life. For example, after we got to know the phone, we brought young children to visit the telephone shops and the telecommunications bureau to learn about the different types of phones such as coin-cell phones, IC card phones and mobile phones, to experience the impact of telephone updates and the development of people’s lives.