Synthesis of Novel Chitosan Microspheres Grafted with β-Cyclodextrins and Their Adsorption for Iodin

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangligang987123
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The novel chitosan microspheres grafted with β-cyclodextrins (CMGC) were prepared by means of the reaction of chitosan microspheres and mono-(6-p-tosyl)- β-cyclodextrins(β-CD-OTs-6). β-CD-OTs-6 were gained by the reaction of p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (TsCl) and β-cyclodextrins (β-CDs). Their structures were proved by Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis (FT-IR), X ray powder diffraction analysis, and ~13C NMR; the configuration of CMGC was characterized by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and transmittance electron micrograph (TEM). The inclusion complex of CMGC with iodine was prepared and its inclusion ability was studied. The experimental results showed that some iodine was included with CMGC and formed a stable inclusion. The stable complex of CMGC and iodine (CMGC-I) shows good antibacterial effect. The novel chitosan microspheres grafted with β-cyclodextrins (CMGC) were prepared by means of the reaction of chitosan microspheres and mono- (6-p-tosyl) -β-cyclodextrins (β-CD-OTs- -CD-OTs-6 were gained by the reaction of p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (TsCl) and β-cyclodextrins (β-CDs). Their structures were proved by Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis (FT-IR) The inclusion of CMGC with iodine was prepared and its inclusion ability was studied. The configuration results of CMGC was characterized by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and transmittance electron micrograph (TEM). The inclusion complex of CMGC with iodine was prepared and its inclusion ability was studied. that some iodine was included with CMGC and formed a stable inclusion. The stable complex of CMGC and iodine (CMGC-I) shows good antibacterial effect.
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