新课改中,高中信息技术的总体教学目标是提升学生的整体信息素养。而这一目标中“提高能够有效地利用信息,表达个人的思想和观念,并乐意与他人分享不同的见解或资讯”得以真正实现的前提是学生拥有使用计算机解决实际问题的能力。《算法与程序设计》作为高中阶段信息技术选修模块之一,其就是以解决实际问题和VB(Visual Basic)程序设计为主线,VB程序设计的学习能够帮助学生理解使用计算机解决实际问题的过程与方法,初步接触算法、数据结构、程序设计、面向对象编程,逐步提高学生使用计算机来分析和解决问题的能力。
In the new curriculum reform, the overall teaching goal of high school information technology is to enhance students’ overall information literacy. And this goal “to improve the effective use of information, express personal ideas and ideas, and willing to share different views or information with others ” The real premise is that students have the ability to use computers to solve practical problems. Algorithm and Program Design As one of the information technology elective modules in high school, it is based on solving practical problems and VB (Visual Basic) programming. The learning of VB programming can help students understand the process of using computers to solve practical problems. Method, initial contact algorithm, data structure, programming, object-oriented programming, and gradually improve the ability of students to use computers to analyze and solve problems.