According to the genetic model of additive-dominance and environmental interaction, the yield and boll number per plant, boll number per plant, boll weight, lint percentage and pre-harvest of 10 cotton cultivars and 20 F1 and F2 lint of upland cotton were analyzed by MINQUE (1) Flow rate and other yield characteristics of two years of experimental data. The parents and F1 data were used to predict F2 genotype values and heterosis and their interactions with the environment. The results showed that the average yield of F2 lint yield, pre-harvest rate, boll number and boll weight were 14%, 16%, 10% and 3% respectively. F2 lint yield, pre-harvest rate, clothing sub-groups of super-parents were 5%, 8% and -6%. F2 clones and single boll weight heterosis and environment interaction is small. F2 lint yield, number of bolls per plant and the early yield-closing heterosis and environment interaction. The stability of the combination in different aspects is analyzed. The results of predicting the genetic performance of F2 traits in different years by using parents and F1 and parents, F1 and F2 were compared.