SCSI-2是目前国内外广为流行的计算机接口标准,可以连接多种类型外部设备,使用 Fast+Wide SCSI使数据传输率可达 40MB/s。根据最新标准 ISO/IEC DIS 9316-1版本整理出部分技术性专用名词术语解释,提供给有关人员在设计和使用 SCSI时参考。
SCSI-2 is the most popular computer interface standard both at home and abroad. It can connect many types of external devices and uses Fast + Wide SCSI to make the data transfer rate up to 40MB / s. According to the latest standard ISO / IEC DIS 9316-1 version sorted out some technical terms terminology, to provide relevant personnel in the design and use of SCSI reference.