实施素质教育 ,教师当“演员” ,还是做“导演” ,这是一个绕不开的话题。一些教师声音无不抑扬顿挫 ,举止无不自然大方 ,板书无不流畅美观 ,讲演无不滔滔不绝 ,感觉无不满意。学生却如坐针毡 ,心神不定 ,交头接耳 ,心不在焉。原因何在?一些教师对学生 ,尤其是对小学生 ,注重?
The implementation of quality education, teachers as “actors”, or as “director”, this is a topic that can not be opened up. Some teacher’s voices are all docile and frustrating. They are all natural and generous, and all the books are fluent and beautiful. The lectures are all endless, and they are all satisfied. However, the students are inconsistent, whisper, and absent-minded. What are the reasons? Some teachers pay attention to students, especially primary school students?