57年前,她是苏联一名 情报人员。1945年5月,正是 她所在小组发现了希特勒的 烧焦的遗骸。在整整2天的时 间里、可以证明希特勒已经 死亡的惟一证据——一只装 着希特勒的下颚骨的红盒子 和她形影不离! 而现在,小组中尚在人世的仅剩下她一人。上周,她首次接受了西方权威媒体《星期日泰晤士报》的采访,披露了长期以来鲜为人知的内幕:由于斯大林下令希特勒的死汛必须严格保密,以至于在很长一段时间里,就连驻德苏联占领军总司令朱可夫元帅也对此毫不知情! 10月6日《星期日泰晤士报》对此进行了报道。
57 years ago, she was a Soviet intelligence officer. In May 1945, it was her team who discovered the scorched remains of Hitler. For the entire two days, the only evidence that Hitler had died was a red box with Hitler’s jawbone touching her! Now, only one person is still alive in the group. Last week she first interviewed The Sunday Times, the authoritative Western media, revealed a long-forgotten inside story: since Stalin ordered Hitler’s death to be kept strictly confidential, for a long time even Captain Zhukov, Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet occupying Soviet Union, also knew nothing about it! The Sunday Times, October 6, covered this story.