虽然从遗传学上来讲,猫咪的被毛花色完全取决于遗传基因的排列,但我们依然愿意相信,有些小家伙是被上帝细心留下印记后才来到人间的——因为在它们身上,都有一颗充满魔力的治愈之心哟!纪念日的天使心!在一次美国的亡兵纪念日,摄影师Rachel Solomon将自己拍到的超有“疗伤”效果的爱心猫在网上发布,希望抚慰这些家属甚至是亡兵的灵魂,而那些亡兵的家属也纷纷表示,自己瞬间就被治愈了。
Although genetically speaking, the color of the cat’s coat depends entirely on the genetic arrangement, we are still willing to believe that some of the little ones came to earth after God had carefully left the mark - because in both of them There is a magical heart of healing yo! Anniversary of the angel heart! On a Memorial Day of the United States, photographer Rachel Solomon will be photographed his super “healing” effect cat released online, hope Soothe these families and even the soul of the dead, and those who were killed in the family also said that he was instantly cured.