Everyone Would Have a Helpless Time 谁都有一段看似“无路可走”的时光

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  At five feet, three inches tall and wellunder a hundred pounds, I boked at myse if in the mirro rand thought,“How did l get to be such a pig?”
  When I sta rted college the stress began to take its tolI and I started overeating. By the beginning of my sophomore year, lweighed in at 150 pounds. I couldn't be lieve my eyes when I stepped on the sca le at the doctor's office for my yearlt checkup. I had gained forty-five. pounds in one year.
  I was so depressed. I was back home for the ho lidays. B etw een the horror in my mother's eyes upon seeng me. the horror in my own eyes when I saw the num bers on the scab. and becom ing the butt (oloV ious pun intended)of alI my brothers'jokes, I did what any normal, red bboded, Am erican girl woubl do: I pigged out for the ho lidays.
  I went back to schoo I armed with every diet book known to man from my well-meaning mother and a handful of recipes (as if l was going to cook). I coldH hand le this. Takng off weight was never a problem for me in the past. What I didn't rea lize was that in the past lonly needed to bse five or ten pounds at the most. lw as now boking at trying to take off forty! When it didn't come off as quickly as thought it would. lbecame even more desperate.
  I was hungry alI the time, frustrated at my lack of success and facing summer-shorts and bathing suit season? l don't think so !
  My dorm mate conv inced me that if I just purged for one meala day l would see a huge difference.
  She was right in one regard. The dizziness l was experiencing from the bck of food was beginning to take its to Il I needed to pull down really good grades if l was going to get in to a good medica lschool.
  Purging one meal became purging two, sometim es more. The. we ight was dropping off. I was so excited and encouraged by seeng my waist again. I joined a gym and began to work out three days a week. Betw een studyng untilallhours of the moming, running my body ragged on a treadm ill and bingeing and purging, I had become a full-b bwn bulim ic. But I couldn't even adm it it to myse F. l was in denial
  When l went home fora few weeks in the summer. My mother, however, didn't like what she saw. She was worried about the. dark circles undermy eyes and the palbrof my skn. PlUs, my natura lly calm easygo ing persona lity had given way to a cranky, argum entative nightm are of a person. I expbded when she questionedm e about it.“What more do you want from me? lgot straight at this term. lost all the weight that you were bugging me about, and I had to do it all living aw ay from home!” My screaming fit gave way to tears and l broke down. I assured my mother everything woubl be all right and l went back to school lconvinced my self that I coubl hand le this problem , but in truth, I couldn't. I would abstain from my purging behav ior for only a few days. Because thadn't changed my eating habits-in fact they were worse-my weight would begin to go up again.   Suddenly, I stopped having periods. My body was screaming at me and wasn't getting the message. l was taking anato my and biobgy classes baming everything about the body, except how to take care of my own. One day lpassed out in my dorm room while just sitting down studying. That was it. I boked at myself in the mirror and the warped pant of me, the part that was respons ible for this behav ior, saw a girlwho needed to bve more weight. But some wisdom forced its way thmugh and l knew lneeded heb.
  I ran oVer to the counse ling offiCe and grabbed the phone num ber for the eating disorder hot line.EVen thoUgh l fet like a grow-up With all theSe neW reSponS ib ilities and being aW ay at colege.thiS WaS my frst realadUt aCt.
  A fter be.ng.n a groUp for three months.1 w as changing my behaVior.1 foUnd my Way oUt ofthe darkneSS With peopb Who Cared and profeSS iona ls Who Were trained.1 leamed SO many thingS from thiS experiencCe-it'S okay to be scared and you don't haVe to be abne or do it abne.
  我带着妈咪好心给我准备的所有食谱以及一些菜谱(好像我会自己做饭一样)回学校了。嗯,我可以搞定的。以前减肥对我来说是小菜一碟。但我没意识到,过去我最多只需减掉5~10磅,现在我却是要努力减掉40磅,简直是天方夜谭!当体重没有如我所想那般快速下降时,我更绝望了。我总是处于饥饿中,对成功减肥感到沮丧,但是想到即将到来的夏天 这个属于短裤和泳装的季节,不!我一定要瘦下来!
@Priya Chincho likar  The first time l got my glasses.The world in HD is alW ays an aw esome experEnce.  我第一次戴眼镜的时候。能看到这个高清的世界简直太赞了。  @Niddhi Shah  (Except paycheck, rain and love.)The first time When
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