坐在我对面的林萍,说起话来干脆利落,不事张扬的个性很像一位成熟的军人。问起她的入伍时间,出乎我意料的是,林萍说这已经是她第二次入伍了。林萍的经历一下子就引起了我的好奇。 林萍,祖籍四川,出生于湖北武汉,参加过抗美援朝的父亲从林萍很小起给她系上了军人情结。自小林萍很喜欢军营生活,军人的情操、军人的素质、军人的作风,都在她幼小的心田里埋下了热爱的种子。后来父亲转业到武汉,林萍的童年就在这里开始了。林萍在家里是老小,上有两个哥哥,一个姐姐,姐姐林芳对她日后走上从艺之路起了很重要的影响,用林萍的话说:“姐姐是我的启蒙老师,没有姐姐,就没有我今天的成绩。”姐姐林芳是武汉歌舞团的独唱演员,每一次出外演出,只要林萍放假在家,姐姐准
Lin Ping sat across from me, talking straight crisp, unobtrusive personality like a mature soldier. Asked about her enrollment time, beyond my expectation, Lin Ping said it was her second time enlisted. Lin Ping’s experience suddenly aroused my curiosity. Lin Ping, ancestral native of Sichuan, was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Her father, who had taken part in the anti-US aid and aid Korea, tied her with a soldier’s complex since she was a young man. Since Kobayashi very much like military life, soldier’s sentiments, military qualities, military style, in her little heart planted the seeds of love. Later, his father moved to Wuhan, Lin Ping’s childhood began here. Lin Ping at home is the youngest, there are two older brothers, a sister, sister Lin Fang on her way into art from the road played a very important influence, with Lin Ping’s words: “My sister is my enlightenment teacher, no My sister, there is no me today’s results. ”Sister Lin Fang is a solo artist in Wuhan Song and Dance Ensemble, every time out performances, as long as Lin Ping holiday at home, sister