在初三综合题中。经常出现在平面坐标系中求适合一定条件的图形的面积问题,这类问题是有规可循的——其实质就是转化为求点的坐标.正确理解点的坐标的几何意义是解这类题的关键. 本文介绍平面直角坐标系中图形面积的计算方法和技巧.
In the third grade comprehensive question. Often appear in the plane coordinate system to find the area of the graph suitable for certain conditions, this type of problem is regulated - its essence is to convert to the coordinates of the point. Correct understanding of the geometric meaning of the coordinates of the point is to solve this kind of The key of the problem. This article describes the calculation methods and techniques for the area of the graph in a rectangular coordinate system.