我营在营党委领导下,以阶级斗争为纲,坚持党的基本路线,坚决执行毛主席的革命卫生路线和“预防为主”的方针,大力开展群众性的卫生防病工作,全营12年没有发生食物中毒,3个连队连续4年没有发生肝炎、痢疾及其它肠道传染病,昼夜发病率始终控制0.2‰以下,较好地保证了部队训练、施工等各项任务的完成。我们预防肠道传染病的主要做法和体会是: 一、做到“四严” 1.领导严格要求,处处作好样予。我营党委在学习和实践中,深刻认识到贯彻“预防为主”的方针是搞好卫生革命的重要内容,
Under the leadership of the party committees and commissions and under the leadership of the party committees and commissions, I adhere to the party’s basic line, firmly implement Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line of sanitation and the principle of “prevention first”, and vigorously carry out public health and disease prevention work. Camp 12 years without food poisoning, 3 companies for 4 consecutive years without hepatitis, dysentery and other intestinal infectious diseases, the incidence of diurnal disease is always controlled 0.2 ‰ below, better ensure the military training, construction and other tasks completed . Our main practices and experience in preventing intestinal infectious diseases are: First, to achieve “Strict ” 1. The leadership of the strict requirements, everywhere good to give. In our study and practice, the party committee of our camp deeply realized that the principle of implementing “prevention as the mainstay” is an important part of carrying out the health revolution,