The Dongguashan copper deposit is the main deposit in the Shizishan orefield in Tongling ore district, and there is a lack of research on the porphyry metallogenesis in this deposit. This paper studies the existence of porphyry type ore bodies, porphyry-type mineralization characteristics and their relationship with layered skarn-type mineralization in the deep part of Dongguashan deposit. In the deep part of Dongguashan deposit, there are porphyry-type mineralization alteration types and alteration zoning characteristics. Mineralization can be divided into two mineralization stages, potash-silicate stage and quartz sulfide stage. Porphyry alteration zoning Spatial outward and skarnization transition. The porphyry-type mineralized quartz diorite is formed at a age of 140 Ma. Quartz / pyroxene diorite associated with the upper stratiform skarn-type mineralization should be formed during the same period of dioritic magma formation. Deep porphyry mineralization fluid has the characteristics of evolution from high temperature to medium temperature and similar evolution trend with superficial stratified skarn mineralization fluids. Both ore-forming fluids should be a hot Fluid system, the fluid evolution in the deep rock mass forms porphyry mineralization, and the fluid in the contact zone evolves to form skarn mineralization.