深秋时节,五彩缤纷的菊花开遍了大江南北。它凌风傲霜,风姿绰约,人见人爱。 我国现有菊花品种约3000多种,可谓洋洋大观。而以药用菊著称者则以滁菊、贡菊、亳菊、杭菊四种最为有名。滁菊产于安徽滁县、全椒等地区。它的花冠呈园球状,花瓣细长而浓密,用硫黄熏后晒干即可入药。若用水泡后,其菊玉瓣舒展,金心突兀,翠蒂鲜碧,阵阵清香沁人心脾,宛若一朵朵盛开的鲜花般动人。它是菊中的珍品。贡菊—名“绿蒂菊”,它产于安徽歙县。贡菊的花瓣短小浓密,蒂呈碧绿,香味纯正,将花揉摘烘干后即可药用。贡菊旧时为明、清两代皇室贡品,十分有名。亳菊产于安徽亳县、涡阳等
In late autumn, colorful chrysanthemums opened all over the country. It is Ling Feng proud, graceful, cute. There are about 3,000 varieties of chrysanthemums in China, which can be described as grand. Those who are known for medicinal chrysanthemums are best known for the four species of chrysanthemum, Gongju, Chrysanthemum, and chrysanthemum. Jujuku is produced in Jingxian County and Quanjiao District in Anhui Province. Its corolla is spherical and its petals are slender and thick. It can be used as a medicine after being smoked with sulfur. If blisters are used, its chrysanthemum and petal stretches, the heart of the stone rises suddenly, and Tsui fresh blue, bursts of fragrance and refreshing, like a blossoming flower-like moving. It is a treasure of chrysanthemum. Gongju - The name “Lutei Chrysanthemum” is produced in Jixian County, Anhui Province. Gongju’s petal is short and dense, and its pedicle is green and pure. It can be rubbed, picked, and dried to be medicinal. Gongju is an ancient royal tribute of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is very famous. Jujuku is produced in Qixian, Guoyang, etc.