冠心病归属于中医的“胸痹”范畴,临床上表现为胸部及心前区憋闷疼痛,甚则痛引肩背的病症。要辨证论治。 瘀阻心络:心脉刺痛,痛有定处或牵引肩背,脚闷心悸,舌边紫暗,脉沉结。治以化瘀通痹。丹参20克,红花9克,元胡索9克,当归9克,郁金9克,降香4.5克,田三七3克,沉香3克,琥珀3克;三七、琥珀研末,分2次药汁冲服。 痰湿中阻:素体肥胖,胸闷憋气,身重神倦少气,口中无味,食欲不振,大便不爽,舌体胖嫩有齿龈,苔淡黄湿润,脉滑。治以燥湿
Coronary heart disease belongs to the “chest” category of traditional Chinese medicine. Clinically, it is characterized by phlegm and pain in the chest and the precordial area. To dialectical governance.瘀 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. The rule is to turn it away. Salvia 20 grams, 9 grams of safflower, Yuan Husuo 9 grams, Angelica 9 grams, Yujin 9 grams, descending fragrance 4.5 grams, 3 grams of field 3, 3 grams of agarwood, 3 grams of amber; Panax, amber powder, Divided into 2 doses of concoction. Wetness in the damp resistance: body fat, chest tightness, phlegm, body weight, fatigue, less gas, tasteless in the mouth, loss of appetite, loose stools, tongue, fat, tender and gingival, moss, yellow, moist, slippery pulse. Cure wet