Male patient, 47 years old, farmer. Abdominal distension, poor appetite for 1 year, abdominal hernia, paste bowel movements for six months, continued dull abdominal pain and bursts of colic 3 days admitted. Weight loss, anemia, no jaundice and spider mites. In the upper abdomen, bulging, muscular tension, palpitations and neonatal head size tenderness mass, with the body position about 10cm, up and down inactive, pushing the pain increased and the sword under the sense of involvement. Ascites sign (±). Ultrasonography: Intrahepatic echoes are uneven, and there are liquid dark areas within the xiphoid mass. Stomach barium meal: small curve push back. Leukocytes 12 × 10 ~ 9 / L, A / G = 1.2: 1, AFP positive, SGPT24 units. See intraoperatively: hepatic cirrhosis, oval-shaped brown mass, vascular engorgement on the surface, adhesion to the membrane of the omentum, peduncle above it, and