Evaluation of high yielding soybean germplasm under water limitation

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kusotang
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Limited information is available for soybean root traits and their plasticity under drought stress. To date, no studies have focused on examining diverse soybean germplasm for regulation of shoot and root response under water limited conditions across varying soil types. In this study,17 genetically diverse soybean germplasm lines were selected to study root response to water limited conditions in clay(trial 1) and sandy soil(trial 2) in two target environments.Physiological data on shoot traits was measured at multiple crop stages ranging from early vegetative to pod filling. The phenotypic root traits, and biomass accumulation data are collected at pod filling stage. In trial 1, the number of lateral roots and forks were positively correlated with plot yield under water limitation and in trial 2, lateral root thickness was positively correlated with the hill plot yield. Plant Introduction(PI) 578477 A and 088444 were found to have higher later root number and forks in clay soil with higher yield under water limitation. In sandy soil, PI458020 wa found to have a thicker lateral root system and higher yield under water limitation. The genotypes identified in this study could be used to enhance drought tolerance of elite soybean cultivars through improved root traits specific to targe environments. Limited information is available for soybean root traits and their plasticity under drought stress. To date, no studies have focused on examining diverse soybean germplasm for regulation of shoot and root response under water limited conditions across varying soil types. In this study, 17 genetically diverse soybean germplasm lines were selected to study root response to water limited conditions in clay (trial 1) and sandy soil (trial 2) in two target environments. Physiological data on shoot traits was measured at multiple crop stages ranging from early vegetative to pod filling. The phenotypic root traits, and biomass accumulation data were collected at pod filling stage. In trial 1, the number of lateral roots and forks were positively correlated with plot yield under water limitation and in trial 2, lateral root thickness was positively correlated with the hill plot yield. Plant Introduction (PI) 578477 A and 088444 were found to have higher later root number and forks in clay soil with Higher yield under water limitation. In the sandy soil, PI458020 wa found to have a thicker lateral root system and higher yield under water limitation. The genotypes identified in this study could be used to enhance drought tolerance of elite soybean cultivars through improved root traits specific to targe environments.
【摘要】体验式教学充分尊重学生在教学中的主体地位,通过游戏、演讲、表演、实物、图片、视频等多种形式营造英语情境,让小学生亲身参与其中,激发他们对英语学习的积极性和求知欲望。变被动为主动的教学形式,让学生体会到学习乐趣,从而提高表达欲求,锻炼英语听说能力。本文简要介绍了体验式教学的形式、特点和基本原则。  【关键词】体验式 教学 小学英语  在小学英语教学模式中,传统的教师满堂灌、知识点的死记硬背已
【摘要】目前,中学生普遍口语表达能力薄弱,虽然教师在课堂之外布置了口头作业,但往往因为缺乏行之有效的方式方法和科学高效地检查手段,口头作业很难落到实处。本文结合笔者在日常教学中的实践操作经验就这一问题给出了一些建议。  【关键词】口头作业 实效 巧妙设计 灵活检查  一、问题的提出  《初中英语课程标准》提出英语教学应体现交际性,要结合学生的年龄特点和生活实际,创设交际情景,通过大量的语言实践,使
【摘要】在对英语定语从句进行翻译时,我们需要对其源语言和译出语都有一定的了解,这是做好汉译的基本要求,本文通过分析定语从句的特点,讨论汉译动态思维的翻译方法,将其直观呈现在读者面前,希望能够为相关研究人员或师生提供一些帮助。  【关键词】英语 定语从句 汉译 动态思维  【Abstract】In the translation of English attributive clauses,we n
【摘要】英语写作是发展学生思维能力和表达能力的有效途径,也是衡量教学效果的标准之一,在高考中所占比重较高。然而,在英语教学实践中,由于轻视英语写作,教学的现状不容乐观,本文试图运用合作学习的理论指导高中英语写作,借以提高学生的英语写作能力,改善英语写作教学效果。  【关键词】英语写作 教学 合作学习  写作作为一个重要的输出环节,在语言教学中有着举足轻重的地位。然而,写作教学一直是英语教学中的薄弱
一、依托教材,结合教材,使英语教学内容生活化  小学英语教材本身内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,教材中涉及的知识点也大多是我们日常生活中所遇到的,能经常运用的知识。如同学们最爱谈论的小动物,最喜欢吃的水果、食物,最爱玩的体育活动,同学们每天都能用到的日常礼貌用语。又如现在英语教材中的教学内容及设计都来源于学生的生活实际,话题包括:数字、颜色、身体、食品、玩具、个人情况、家庭、学校、朋友等等,这些都莫
【摘要】本文就小学英语课堂教学中和谐情境创设作探析,旨在阐述该情境创设对激活学生学习认知感悟思维和增强学习潜能所起到的促进作用。以自然愉悦为前提,突出自由、民主、平等,能更好增强学生英语学习情感体验,促进语言知识技能内化生成。  【关键词】小学英语 课堂 情境 和谐  英语课程标准(2011年版)中认为,创设接近真实的语言学习环境能在调动学生多种学习感官思维基础上丰富思维情感。以和谐情境为导向活化
水分再分配(hydraulic redistribution, HR)作为一个普遍存在的生物物理过程,在缓解植物干旱胁迫、调节植物种间关系和群落组成、影响生态系统水碳平衡等方面具有重要的生态