案情简介本期案例的主人公王老太太70 多岁,2004年5月,老太太入住河北省某医院,进行胆囊切除手术。由于老太太年纪比较大,且行动迟缓,王老太太的儿子刘先生特别为母亲申请了二级护理。5月23日晚9点左右,刘先生的儿子陪奶奶到住院部的女厕方便,到厕所门口后,刘先生的儿子没有陪奶奶进去,在门外等候。当时厕所内只有一个照明灯,显得很暗,70多岁的王老太太不小心摔倒在厕所内,造成颅内出血,经抢救无效死亡。
Case introduction The case of the protagonist Mrs. Wang 70 years old, in May 2004, the old lady admitted to a hospital in Hebei Province for cholecystectomy. Due to the old lady is old and slow to act, Mrs. Wang’s wife, Mr. Liu, applied for her second child care in particular. At about 9 pm on May 23rd, Mr. Liu’s son accompanied his grandmother to the convenience of the female toilet in the inpatient department. After arriving at the toilet door, Mr. Liu’s son did not go with his grandmother and waited outside the door. At that time, only one toilet light, very dark, 70-year-old lady Wang accidentally fell in the toilet, resulting in intracranial hemorrhage, died of invalid rescue.