我省实行高中地理会考制度,至今已四年了。几年来,通过教学实践,探索出一些很不成熟的经验,并在辅导会考中进行了试验,取得了一些成绩。下面以该学科为例从七个方面谈谈在这方面的作法与体会。 一、以人地关系为红线,沟通上下册知识之间的联系。使学生形成整体知识网络系统,达到强化记忆,巩固基本知识点的目的。
Our province has implemented the high school geography examination system for four years. In recent years, some very immature experiences have been explored through teaching practice. Experiments have been conducted in the Guidance Examination and some achievements have been made. The following is an example of the subject from seven aspects to talk about the practice and experience in this regard. First, the relationship between people as the red line, the communication between the upper and lower body knowledge. To enable students to form a holistic knowledge network system to achieve the purpose of strengthening memory and consolidating basic knowledge points.