1. 世界粮食生产基本形势。近20年来世界粮食生产总量增长还是比较明显的,但是最近5年,粮食生产增势趋缓,粮食生产总量并没有明显上升,而且,1998年、1999年连续两年缓慢下降。总产量和价格的变化情况,说明粮食总量目前处于略有剩余的状况。此外,全球粮食生产能力有了较
1. World food production basic situation. The total world food production in the past two decades has still been quite obvious. However, in the recent five years, the growth of food production slowed down and the total grain output did not increase significantly. Moreover, in 1998 and 1999, the total output of food dropped slowly for two consecutive years. The changes in total output and prices indicate that the total amount of food is currently in a slight surplus. In addition, there is more global food production capacity