环保节能个人电脑(Green PC)之所以不同于一般传统的电脑,就是在于其有电源管理的功能,能让系统在开机且没有使用的状态下,减少其耗电量,以达到节约能源的目的。电脑在平常操作时,是在全速工作模式的状态,而电源管理程序会对系统的显示、串并口、硬盘的读写、键盘、鼠标及其他设备的工作状态等事件一一做监视(这些事件被称为Power Management Event电源管理监控事件),若上述的事件,都处于停顿的状态,系统就会进入省电模式。当有任何监控事件发生,系统即刻回到全速工作模式的状态,为使
Green PC is different from the traditional computer because it has the function of power management, which can reduce the power consumption when the system is powered on and unused, so as to save energy . Computer in normal operation, is in full-speed mode of operation state, and the power management program will display the system, serial and parallel port, read and write hard disk, keyboard, mouse and other devices to monitor the status of the work one by one (these events Known as Power Management Event power management monitoring events), if the above events are in a quiescent state, the system will enter the power saving mode. When any monitoring event occurs, the system immediately returns to full speed mode of operation, in order to make