测量直立性血压时是否应同时测量脉搏 ?答案是肯定的。因为血压与脉搏的变化均为诊断直立性低血压的重要指标。测量时的体位应视病人的身体状况而定。如果身体状况允许 ,应让病人在仰卧位、坐位和站立时分别测量。Mc Bee在她所著的《急诊室指南》中介绍了直立性血压的判断方法
Should the pulse be measured at the same time when measuring orthostatic blood pressure? The answer is yes. Because blood pressure and pulse changes are important indicators of orthostatic hypotension. Measurement of position should be based on the patient’s physical condition may be. If the body condition allows, the patient should be measured in supine position, sitting and standing. Mc Bee introduced orthostatic blood pressure in her Emergency Room Guide