In 1492, Columbus sailed to the Americas and Europeans claimed that he had discovered the New World. In fact, for many centuries before Columbus arrived, the Indians labored, lived, and propagated on this land. Residents here, most scientists believe that from Asia. About 30,000 years ago, the primitive tribes that lived in the Gobi Desert in Asia drifted across the Bering Strait in the direction of the rising sun and came to the American continent in the Western Hemisphere to settle in some areas and create their own culture. The city of Teotihuacan in Mexico today is Teotihuacan, one of the birthplaces of Indian culture. It was originally intended to be the birthplace of the god of heaven. The myth says that after the sun died, the gods gathered here to create a new sun and moon. This is in the minds of Indians. It means that the old era was over and a new era was born. Teotihuacan is in the valley of the central plateau of Mexico, 48 kilometers from the present Mexico City. It rose about 200 BC and is quite large. It has a size of 20 square kilometers.