我国的艺术拍卖活动仍处于初级发展阶段。在艺术品拍卖热持续升温中也暴露出管理水平不高等种种问题。这里的几篇文章有助于使我国的拍卖行业在规范中与国际同行接轨并走向成熟。 玉文化在中国古代文明中占有重要地位,杨伯达全面、超地域的论述为玉文化的研究拓宽了视野,值得一读。
China’s art auction is still in its infancy. In the auction of art heat continues to heat up also revealed the management level is not high and other issues. Several articles here help make our auction industry in line with the international counterparts in the norms and mature. Jade culture occupies an important position in the ancient Chinese civilization. Yang Boda’s comprehensive and super-regional discourse broadens the horizons for the study of jade culture and is worth reading.