Recently, many scholars have reported the report of a candidal disease-candidosis caused by antibiotic treatment. A.M. Alejvitch and his colleagues documented two patients who developed candidiasis after antibiotic treatment. However, after the withdrawal of penicillin, the patient’s condition immediately improved. Cassigen reported that 24 patients had candidiasis due to long-term antibiotic treatment. In the pathogenesis of candidiasis, most authors believe that its primary role is due to the main disease caused by the body weakened, and vitamin balance disorders. In addition, the long-term use of antibiotics has great significance, it inhibits the body in general bacterial flora at the same time, can promote the growth of mold, and make it into a parasitic state. There are indications that the use of antibiotics can make a significant obstacle to vitamin metabolism, vitamin metabolism has been due to major diseases have changed.