妈妈: 我很会懒,是不是?现在我终于准备克服一下懒劲,给你写信。“今天特带劲儿。”这句话是放学时猛然看见的一个人身上的T恤上写的,没有任何文学意义,但是,正如我的心情,兴高采烈。开心的原因很简单,无非是思想得到解放,无与伦比的解放。学校决定了每个星期六的上午上选修课,而不再是语、数、外等等,(这在高三是多么不容易的一次“壮举”啊!)全是我们最乐意上的文学欣赏、旅游地理、
Mom: I’m lazy, is not it? Now I’m finally ready to overcome laziness and write to you. “Today is special.” This sentence was written on a T-shirt of a man who was suddenly seen during school hours, without any literary significance. However, as I was, I was elated. The reason is very happy, is nothing more than the liberation of ideas, unparalleled liberation. The school decides to take electives every morning on Saturday instead of words, numbers, extras, etc. (This is not always a “feat” in Year 3!) All of our favorite literary appreciation, Travel geography,