
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sccdxlxsq
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目的 探索云南省血吸虫病重度流行区化疗后维持巩固方案。方法 在原血吸虫病重度流行的坝区 ,经连续人、畜同步化疗后 ,选择居民感染率降至 8%左右的中和行政村。随机分为 A、B两组 ,各组约 10 0 0人。 A组 3~ 6 0岁人群每年用 IHA筛检约 6 0 0人 ,阳性者化疗 ,扩大化疗至 40 0人左右。B组每年用询检法筛检 3~ 6 0岁人群 ,确定化疗对象 40 0人左右。每年春秋两季各组在村庄周围及交叉路口周围环境查灭螺 1次 ,化疗 2 5 %的牛群 ,干预措施连续 2年。结果  A组居民感染率下降 78.0 0 %,儿童感染率下降 6 4.40 %,钉螺自然感染率下降 16 .6 6 %,感染螺平均密度下降6 0 .0 3%。B组居民感染率下降 84.12 %,儿童感染率下降 78.77%,并且于第 2年秋季及效果考核时未发现阳性钉螺。结论 用 IHA筛检及询检法筛检各化疗 5 0 %人群。辅以村庄周围易感环境灭螺方案均可作为云南省重疫区连续化疗后的维持巩固措施 ,而且 B方案防治效果较好 Objective To explore a plan to maintain consolidation after chemotherapy in severe endemic areas of schistosomiasis in Yunnan Province. Methods In the dam area where the original schistosomiasis was endemic, after continuous human and animal synchronous chemotherapy, the infection rate of residents was reduced to about 8% in Zhonghe administration village. Randomly divided into A, B two groups, each of about 10 0 people. A group of 3 to 60 years old IHA screening every year about 600 people, positive chemotherapy, expansion of chemotherapy to about 40 0. B group every year with screening test screening 3 ~ 60 years old population, to determine the chemotherapy object 40 0 ​​people. Each spring and autumn each group around the village and the surrounding environment check snail 1 times, 25% of the herd of cattle, interventions for 2 consecutive years. Results The infection rate of residents in group A decreased by 78.0%, the infection rate in children dropped by 6.44%, the natural infection rate of snails decreased by 16.66%, and the average infection density decreased by 60.3%. In group B, the infection rate of residents decreased by 84.12%, and the infection rate of children decreased by 78.77%. No positive snail was found in the second year of fall and effect assessment. Conclusion IHA screening and inquiry screening of 50% of the chemotherapy population. Supplemented by the susceptible environment around the village of snail control programs can be used as Yunnan province’s epidemic-prone areas to maintain consolidation measures after continuous chemotherapy, and B prevention and treatment is better
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