6月18日,北京时尚家影音科技有限公司在朝阳阳光上东中环广场二层举行了极致影院(中国)展斤启动仪式暨时尚家“极致生活”Exquisite Lifestyle Center落成典礼,宣布全球顶级奢华私人影院品牌极致影院(Exquisite Theaters)打造的时尚家.极致生活展示中心(Exquisite LifestyleCenter)于北京正式落成。活动现场吸引了大量的行业媒体、设计师、消费者的到来,共同见证了这一重要时刻。极致生活展示中心(Exquisite Lifestyle Center)是时尚家秉承极致影院(Exquisite Theaters)品牌理念,历时一年,耗资千万倾力打造的客户体验中心。在展示中心里面,大家可以亲自领略多达17声道的最新Dollby
On June 18, Beijing Fashion Home Audio & Video Co., Ltd. held the inauguration ceremony of Exquisite Theater (China) and Exquisite Lifestyle Center in the fashion house “Ultimate Living ” at the 2nd floor of Shangdong Central Plaza, Exquisite Theaters, a luxury fashion house owned by luxury cinema label Exquisite LifestyleCenter, was officially opened in Beijing. The event attracted a large number of industry media, designers, consumers come together to witness this momentous moment. Exquisite Lifestyle Center is the fashion experience home to the Exquisite Theaters (Exquisite Theaters) brand concept, lasted one year, cost millions of effort to create a customer experience center. Inside the show center, you can personally experience up to 17 channels of the latest Dollby