T2 relaxation time measurements in the brains of scalded rats

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This study aimed to evaluate the T2 relaxation time of the brain in severely scalded rats using a magnetic resonance(MR) T2 mapping sequence,and to investigate the correlation between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level.Twenty-eight Wistar rats were randomly divided into the scalded group(n=21)and control group(n=7).Magnetic resonance scans were performed with TIWI,T2 WI,and T2-mapping sequences in the scalded group;the scans were performed 1 day prior to scalding and 1,3,5,and7 days post-scalding;in addition,identical MR scans were performed in the control group at the same time points.T2-maps were generated and T2 relaxation times were acquired from the following brain regions:the hippocampus,thalamus,caudate-putamen,and cerebrum.Pathological changes of the hippocampus were observed.The plasma glucose level of each rat was measured before each MR scan,and a correlation analysis was performed between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level.We found that conventional TIWI and T2 WI did not reveal any abnormal signals or morphological changes in the hippocampus,thalamus,caudate-putamen,or cerebrum post-scalding.Both the T2 relaxation times of the selected brain regions and plasma glucose levels increased 1,3,and 5 days post-scalding,and returned to normal levels 7 days post-scalding.The most marked increase of T2 relaxation time was found in the hippocampus;similar changes were also revealed in the thalamus,caudate-putamen,and cerebrum.No correlation was found between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level in scalded rats.Pathological observation of the hippocampus showed edema 1,3,and 5 days post-scalding,with recovery to normal findings at 7 days post-scalding.Thus,we concluded that T2 mapping is a sensitive method for detecting and monitoring scald injury in the rat brain.As the hippocampus is the main region for modulating a stress reaction,it showed significantly increased water content along with an increased plasma glucose level post-scalding. This study aimed to evaluate the T2 relaxation time of the brain in severely scalded rats using a magnetic resonance (MR) T2 mapping sequence, and to investigate the correlation between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level. Twenty-eight Wistar rats were randomly divided into the scalded group (n = 21) and control group (n = 7). Magnetic resonance scans were performed with TIWI, T2WI, and T2-mapping sequences in the scalded group; the scans were performed 1 day prior to scalding and 1, 3,5, and 7 days post-scalding; in addition, identical MR scans were performed in the control group at the same time points. .T2-maps were generated and T2 relaxation times were acquired from the following brain regions: the hippocampus, thalamus, caudate-putamen, and cerebrum. Pathological changes of the hippocampus were observed. plasma glucose levels of each rat was measured before each MR scan, and a correlation analysis was performed between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level. We found that conventional TIWI a nd T2 WI did not reveal any abnormal signals or morphological changes in the hippocampus, thalamus, caudate-putamen, or cerebrum post-scalding.Both the T2 relaxation times of the selected brain regions and plasma glucose levels increased 1,3, and 5 days post-scalding, and returned to normal levels for 7 days post-scalding. the most marked increase of T2 relaxation time was found in the hippocampus; similar changes were also revealed in the thalamus, caudate-putamen, and cerebrum. No correlation was found between T2 relaxation time and plasma glucose level in scalded rats. Pathological observation of the hippocampus showed edema 1,3, and 5 days post-scalding, with recovery to normal findings at 7 days post-scalding.Thus, we concluded that T2 mapping is a sensitive method for detecting and monitoring scald injury in the rat brain. As the hippocampus is the main region for modulating a stress reaction, it showed significantly increased water content along with an increased plasma glucose level post-scalding.
陶行知在《告生活教育社同志书》中指出:“教育必须是生活的,一切教育必须通过生活才有效。”建构主义认为,学习是一种主动参与的过程,学习者只能基于他们“从前的经验”建构新知识。笔者以为,有效的数学课堂教学,应该“链接”生活,着力探索和构建生活数学的教学体系,让学生根据已有的知识经验,在愉悦的学习活动中,主动建构新知,使学生的个性潜能在参与学习活动中得到发展,使课堂教学焕发出生命的活力。  一、序曲:紧
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要针对学生的特点,明确应该用什么方法去引导学生,激发学生的学习兴趣,把学生的求知欲望调动起来,使学生养成一个良好的学习习惯,真正成为学习的主人。 To address the char
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