The Do’s and Don’ts of a Job Interview

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  【Abstract】Getting a job today is quite different from a decade ago. We live in an increasingly competitive world. Just like you, many people are struggling to find a job. But first, you have to make it through the initial hurdle: the job interview. Obviously, a good performance at a job interview means a great deal to all of you. Your job interview goal is to show the employer that you are the best candidate for the job. Review these tips, and you’ll be ready for a smooth transition to your employer.
  【Key words】competitive; job interview; performance
  Graduation season is approaching, and you are suffering from the rat race. A job interview is one of the most important interactions in your life. However, within that short span of time, you have to convince the interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. The prospective employer wants to know that you could be someone they want to work with and that you have confidence with people.

Ⅰ. The Don’ts of a Job Interview

  ⅰ. Don’t show up late, ever, or too early. Plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable.
  ⅱ. Don’t wear weird clothes. Unless you’re being interviewed for a position that requires some sort of special uniform or outfit, then keep the dress code simple.
  ⅲ. Don’t lean back and cross your legs either, giving a feeling of boredom or superiority. The way you behave at a job interview really counts.
  ⅳ. Don’t make derogatory remarks about your current or former employers or companies. Besides, be as honest as possible about your capabilities and job experiences.

Ⅱ. The Do’s of a Job Interview

  ⅰ. Do arrive on time, and be considerate to every person you meet. When you attend an interview, make sure you come across as friendly, positive and confident.
  ⅱ. Do dress professionally and look neat and clean. An interview candidate should always look polished and professional. Proper business attire is expected .
  ⅲ. Do smile and relax when you meet people, letting them know you are friendly and approachable. Besides, you can try deep breathing if you really feel nervous.
  ⅳ. Do shake hands firmly with the person interviewing you and make positive eye contact. This shows you have confidence. Use your hands when talking but not too much. This shows involvement in the conversation.

Ⅲ. Dealing with an unusual situation

  If your interview involves a number of interviewers, be sure to give them equal attention. However, whatever the style, you need to be aware that the interviewer is assessing you as a future employee. So please stay alert, positive and responsive to the questions asked.
  Most college career services offer mock interviews and interview workshops, but you can also practice interviewing with family or friends, and get feedback on how you act, look and sound. Do maintain good posture, a neat appearance, regular eye contact, and a positive attitude. Make sure that you keep in mind these aspects before you complete the interview process.

Ⅳ. Other useful follow-up activities

【摘要】英语作为重要的语言学科,能够最大程度发展学生的语言能力,并实现学生综合能力的提高。构建高质量英语课堂,能够让学生对英语的学习兴趣大增,带给学生更为丰富的英语学习感受,让学生的语言综合水平上升到新台阶。也正是因为此,探索高质量英语课堂的构建就显得极为重要。  【关键词】高效课堂;英语教学;多元路径  【作者简介】黄欣,江苏省苏州市张家港市常青藤实验中学。  初中阶段是学生语言基础夯实的重要时
【摘要】随着时代的发展进步,英语变得越来越国际化,这也就提高了要求高中英语的教学目标,使高中生能够更好的学习英语,更好的得以应用。英语在高考中占的比例很大,是主要科目。它的学科核心素养主要包括语言能力、思维品质、文化意识、学习能力等方面。本文将深入探讨高中英语学科核心素养发展,对于教学目标与教学策略进行分析和思考,做出好的改进,提高教学质量和教学效率。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养发展;教学目标
【摘要】目前核心素养已成为学科教学的基本指针,然而,在实际教学中,我们的课程内容却经常呈现碎片化,难以促进学生形成能力。人教版教材的内容较为老旧,编排顺序的适用性也有限,这一切都指向了课程资源整合的必要性。本研究借用了前人对于体裁的分类,进行了一个整合课例的尝试。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;课程资源;整合  【作者简介】周林燕,女,广州市第九十七中学,英语一级教师,硕士,研究方向:心理语言学
【摘要】英语绘本是将图片和文字相结合传达贴近儿童生活的故事。英语核心素养的要求之一是发展学生的思维能力,培养良好思维品质。英语绘本能够激发学生们的阅读兴趣,教师可以借助绘本开发学生思维的形象性、缜密性、创造性和批判性。  【关键词】英语绘本;小学生;思维能力  【作者简介】胡玲玲,昆山高新区吴淞江学校。  英文绘本将图片和文字相结合构成的图文并茂的书籍形式,是教师组织开展小学英语教学的常用资源。英
【摘要】现阶段,农村地区中小学英语教育已经陷入了困境,其根本原因在于师资力量薄弱,教师的专业水平相对低下,无法满足英语教学的实际需要,不利于学生综合素质的全面发展。本文将对农村地区中小学英语教师培训的重要意义加以探讨和分析,并针对当前的师资状况提出几种比较有效的培训方式,以期大幅度提高培训效果,打造高水平的英语教师队伍,从而为农村地区的中小学英语教学工作提供有力的人才支持和保障。  【关键词】农村
【摘要】随着互联网和信息技术的不断发展,大学英语教学也在面临着改革和创新。基于网络平台的大学英语交互式教学模式就是响应这一背景所提出的具体策略,大学英语教师可以充分利用网络平台将交互式教学模式进一步深化,从强化学生与互联网之间的交互、强化学生与学生之间的交互、强化学生与教师之间的交互等角度进行贯彻和落实。  【关键词】网络平台;大学英语;交互式教学  【作者简介】马路,卫欣,六安职业技术学院。  
词汇是构成这一语言的要素之一,是进行沟通和交流的基础。一口流利的英语离不开大量的词汇积累,掌握一定数量的词汇是学好英语的基础。抓好词汇教学,帮助小学生掌握规定量的词汇,为他们在以后的中学英语学习打好基础是尤为重要的  在平时教学常用的教学方法是先读后记,学生跟录音机读,跟老师读。读完后老师讲解单词意思,剩下的就是学生课下多读多记多写来完成单词记忆的其他环节。诚然,这会在一定程度上完成单词教学的目标
【摘要】本文主要概述培养学生英语学习策略的有效方法,教师能在深化学生英语素养的同时,找寻最优的教学方法,使得学生在教师的教学指引下,更积极的学习英语知识。  【关键词】学习策略;优化教学方法;高中英语  【作者简介】李海虹,甘肃省白银市第十一中学。  英语教学过程中,丰富教学内容,优化教学方法,引导学生理解知识点是教学的重点。教师要在教学中从学生的实际出发,制定针对性的教学方案,帮助学生调整自身的