
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaijiyu
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《寂静钱钟书》被选为福建省2009年高考语文阅读题,作者周劼人试做了一遍,总分15分中只拿了1分。尤为荒谬的是,一个被作者认为“说出了我内心最真实意图”的选项,参考答案却是错的。作者在自己的博客中这样调侃:“两个问答题,出题老师比我更好得理解了我写的文章的意思,把我写作时 ”Quiet money bell book“ was selected as the 2009 college entrance examination of Fujian Province, the Chinese reading title, the author Zhou Yongren try it again, the total score of 15 points only took 1 point. What is even more absurd is that one of the options considered by the author to be ”the most real intentions of my heart“ is wrong. The author in his blog so ridicule: ”two question and answer questions, the title teacher better than me to understand the meaning of the article I wrote, when I write
信息技术与语文学科教学整合有着无法比拟的优势,但整合过程中一些有失偏颇的做法,也极大地影响了整合的效果,有时甚至会与我们追求的高效课堂背道而驰。结合自身实践,笔者就两者有效整合的忌讳谈谈自己的看法。  一忌:追求形式,忽视实效  由于信息技术与语文学科整合备受关注,有不少教师为追赶这股潮流,片面地认为,现在的语文课如若不利用信息技术就算不得一堂“好课”。尤其是在一些公开课、赛教课上,很多教师更是八
As more rural communities seek to be capitalize on their tranquility, the humble hermitage gets commercialized  Wu Lixin needed watermelons. As the leading official for a handful of nutmeg-farming vil