Drama is the powerful magic in lanugage teaching

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  Abstract:Drama as a new concept to be a teaching strategy has the power magic to improve students’ language learning, it can create the students’ imagination, it can develop the students’ cooperation and creative ability, it can show their empathize about others, it’s a dramatic arts approach. The students are not only inside Drama, but also inside the language of Drama.
  Key words:Drama confident creative cooperation imagination enthusiasm
  As an English teacher in China, we are always puzzled in arousing the students’ learning interest. Even though I once studied the teaching skills in my class, I always felt it was neither completely satisfied the students nor myself, sometimes I even felt bored about my own job. I find that some of my students have already "shut down" by the time that they enter the classroom and have come to look upon school as a place of personal failure. How to make my class dynamic and how to help students to be successful are the always questions around me. But when I walked into Kathy’s Drama class, it made me surprised, just like a person who walked in the desert suddenly found the spring water. I feel I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to touch the new concept.
  What is Drama?
  "If children can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."——Ignacio Estrada.
  What is Drama? Maybe" to teach the way the children learn" can show the definition of Drama. Definitely, it is the way to help students to be confident, to be interested in the language learning, to be creative, to develop their imagination, to understand the contents of the learning materials and to leap into literacy by lots of drama strategies, such as Choral Reading, Role-playing, Teachers in Role, Story Theatre, Write in Role, Story Making, etc. Students can create their abilities through their bodies, gestures, voices, and attitudes.
  How to make drama?
  When I walked into Kathy’s class, I was so shocked that the classroom is really a stage, a theatre. I felt relaxed and interested at once, To face Kathy’s kindness and friendliness, I realized that classroom management is so important for the teaching process, I know how to begin to turn fear of failure and disappointment around is partially dependent on our willingness to try new thingsto rethink how and what we are teaching and to honestly look at what techniques are working and what are not. I still remember Kathy’s first class, when we, this group of English teachers from Jiangsu get together in the first Drama Class, she played a game with all of us, the group of teachers and our other instructors, she just asked us to make a big circle and tell out our names loudly, then she asked each person to say the names that he or she can call out, again she asked us to tell out our names loudly, but this time with a gesture, when we watched the funny actions, we could know more names, it is a very easy and funny way to get us to know each other quickly and easily. Of course from then on, we began to look forward to having Drama Class.
  Drama is made in groups, in another word, drama is a cooperation work. In Kathy’s class, we are often divided into duets, into trios, or as a large group, we accomplished the task that she assigned with partners, she often worked from her strengths, monitored the process, and walked around the classroom to support her help for us, sometimes she just wanted to make sure everyone of us were involved. Also she often made us to be aware of group roles and responsibilities by having us reflect on how we worked in groups. Of course, the roles in the groups that we acted were chosen by ourselves as we liked, so the group work was enjoyable and a good cooperation. Recall the class that we had, we still remember exact plots of it, that was about an interview, the class was formed six groups, and Kathy asked each group to have a volunteer to be a famous successful person, the others would be the staff of a company, and the company would recruit a famous successful person, then all the volunteers walked out of the classroom, they prepared to face the interview, the groups discussed the roles and each role would interview the famous man, everyone of us imagined the scene of the interview, and thought what would say. Through the group work, we were so confident to express our ideas.
  What magic is Drama?
  Drama can make students confident. As we have known, Drama is a group work, students can express their ideas before their partners first and share their ideas to make sure their ideas are right, then they can be confident to tell out their ideas in front of the whole class. For teachers, they often encourage the students to speak out their ideas, Kathy once told us she never compete the class, and she never blame the class, her favourite words are " good job" "excellent" "I appreciate it" "good question". In her class, we were all good students, I really remember that when we came to Toronto, we were all modest and timid., but at the final presentation, all of us are outgoing, we could open our minds to express our inner thoughts, and make each role vivid, I had the memory of our story about a man who could call down the owls, there were two owls in the story, Ms Yang and Ms Hu, two over forty-year women acted them, they did as the owls flew, appeared in our eyes, there were real two owls, that was too amazing.
  Drama can make words sing. "The best words in the best order" that’s true. Sometimes our Chinese students are so scared to face the English words, even the English letters. They just don’t know how to read the words, how to use the words to express themselves, the English words are just the dead literacy for them, so they can’t understand the beauty of the words. But return to the class of Choral Reading, I was recalled that Kathy gave out a poem to us, and asked us to read it while walking around the classroom, the voice filled in the classroom, sounds like chorus. Then she asked us to find our favourite lines and try to explain why we love those lines, depend on the different favourite lines, we formed different groups, and had a Choral reading in the whole class, I was astonished by the language with a melody and the cadences. Words turned into a song sung by the students, and also students are helped to become interested in the reading.
  Drama can develop students’ creative imagination. I have a vivid memory of watching Kathy with Grade 4 class in Firgrove Public School. That’s an amazing class. Students never knew Kathy before, and Kathy never knew the students, but when they are mixed in the class, they were just like old friends, Kathy used her strength to attract the students, and her emotion promoted the students. They quickly came into the roles. The class was about story telling and story making. Kathy told a story about a king who wanted to build a palace in a village, the site was chosen near a well which the source of villagers’ life water came from , so the king decided to cover the well. Kathy stopped here and asked students to make a tableaux with their bodies and gestures to describe how the village would be like if the well was covered, and then asked them to try to find a good way to persuade the king to give up his decision. The students were so active that they quickly chose a role to play and a good tableaux was created, and also everyone of them desired to give out their suggestion to the king in language. I was really subdued by the Drama’s magic to make students have such a great creative imagination. The students were not only inside the story, but also inside the language of the story.
  The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.——Carl Jung.
  Why Drama has so much power? The answer exits in Drama itself and the teachers who teach Drama. Drama digs deeply into students’ enthusiasm in learning and also teachers’ enthusiasm in teaching. Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, extra work into opportunity and strangers into friends, enthusiasm takes you further.
[摘 要]:素描几何形体课是美术教学中的一个入门课程,也是一个造型初级阶段的培养课程。它不但承载着透视、构图、比例等一系列专业知识,还连接着造型阶段的课程铺垫。本人根据多年的教学经验总结“几何形体课程”设置对于美术基础教学所起到的关系,并从中提炼它对基础课教学的重要作用。通过文中的课程分析与实践体会,完善美术课程的培养形式,从而为学生完成造型体系培养打下更坚实的基础。  [关键词]:美术教学 几何
【摘要】 良好习惯的养成对人的一生发展是至关重要的,好的习惯将会使人终生受益。幼儿正处于人生的初期,可塑性强,自控能力差。幼儿阶段既是养成良好行为习惯的关键时期,又是沾染不良行为习惯的危险阶段。幼儿园是培养幼儿良好行为习惯的重要场所,在教育的过程中我们就要釆用科学的、适宜的教育方法,循循善誘、循序渐进地引导和促进幼儿良好行为习惯的形成。  【关键词】 幼儿 行为习惯 培养  【中图分类号】 G61
[摘要] 2009年7月5日,新疆乌鲁木齐市发生了打、砸、抢、烧严重暴力犯罪事件,不仅给市民造成了生命财产的巨大损失,也给经历了这场灾难的人们蒙上了心理上的阴影。作为全国八大科学育儿基地,新疆儿童发展中心在“7.5”事件发生后,确定抚慰妇女、儿童心灵创伤的工作目标,力求通过有效的心理危机干预稳定情绪,使其恐慌、焦虑和抑郁等症状得到缓解,心理功能逐渐恢复,并获得新的应对技能,以预防将来心理危机的发生
[摘 要]:通过分析高校校园环境景观规划,提出改善景观设计的对策,重视精神功能,丰富文化内涵,坚持艺术教育原则,创造宜人的校园户外空间,提升校园环境品质。  [关键词]:环境景观 教育作用 环境品质     校园良好的人文和自然环境是培养新型人才的摇篮,是激发创新能力的催化剂。大学校园环境的优劣和环境景观设计的水平直接相关,特别是景观设计的概念模式。我们要努力创造优美的校园环境,为师生服务。   
[摘 要]陶渊明自义熙元年(公元405年)辞彭泽令,至元嘉四年(公元427年)卒于柴桑,20余年一直隐居田园。本文通过对陶之思想、与作品内容与创作年份的对照分析,得出陶渊明在归隐之后的心态是痛苦与平静互相交织,终其一生。  [关键词]陶渊明 归隐 心态    陶渊明自义熙元年(公元405年)辞彭泽令,至元嘉四年(公元427年)卒于柴桑,20余年一直隐居田园。前人在论及陶归隐后的心理状态时,不外乎有
【摘 要】文章阐述了民族传统文化艺术内涵和加强美术素质教育中民族美术教育的必要性,并在此基础上,提出了民族传统文化艺术在课程内容及教学形式上的实现形式。  【关键词】美术 素质教育 民族传统文化    作为素质教育的重要组成部分,美术素质教育对于促进学生全面发展有不可替代的作用。要深化美术素质教育,就要坚持美术素质教育的基本原则和导向,面向全体学生,促进学生的全面发展。民族传统美术教育是深化美术素
[摘要] 根据面对生源的实际情况,高职院校要善于营造和谐的师生关系,以使师生在心理上接近,在感情上融洽,在思想上共鸣,在目标上一致,使师生教学相长,亲密无间,从而促进高职大专生身心健康发展。  [关键词] 师生关系 高职大专生 营造    高职院校中一大批专科学校是为适应地方经济建设和社会发展的需要,由中等专业学校单独或多所合并组建而成。由于这些新建高职院校较长时期从事中等专业教育,高职教育办学历
[摘要]本文对计算机基础课程实验教学进行国际比较、分析影响计算机基础课程教学效果的因素、提出在实验教学中引入DIY理念,加强实验教学队伍建设,努力提高实验教学水平和实验教学质量,建设开放式、现代化高水平的实践基地。  [关键词]计算机教学 DIY理念创新 实验教学体系     计算机科学是以动手、动脑为基础的科学,而动手、动脑的环境自然是实验。在计算机发展史上贝尔实验室、IBM研究实验室占有重要的
[摘要] 在阅读教学中,语文教师要引导学生更好地奔向未来,需做到在语文教学中引导学生攀登知识的高山,攀登情感的高山,攀登思维的高山,攀登人格的高山。  [关键词] 语文教师 阅读教学 奔向未来    在轰轰烈烈的应试教育向素质教育的转轨阶段,专家们盲目将知识让位,孩子们翻身成了主载自己灵魂的主人。在这个瞬息万变的时代,他们魂归何处?电视机旁,多少双眼睛全神贯注地盯着屏幕上的爱恨情仇?私人网吧里,多
[摘要] 竞技体育开展的重要目的之一是推广群众性体育活动。本文采用文献资料法、历史与逻辑相统一的方法,对泰安市市民体育参与的状况进行了研究。结果表明:(1)市民体育参与的影响因素包括诸多方面;(2)高水平竞赛是一个有效的推动因素;(3)市民体育参与的状况是高水平竞赛能否在本地区开展的重要前提。  [关键词] 高水平竞赛 市民 体育参与 影响    一、问题的提出    北京奥运会之后,中国进一步掀