该文通过在vxworks平台下使能系统辅助时钟,设置辅助时钟的中断频率,可以指定不同的与辅助时钟项关联的中断函数,计算出系统当前运行任务队列使用CPU的时钟滴答数,从而在中断级报告并监控系统使用的CPU时间总计,中断花费时间总计,内核花费时间总计和空闲时间总计等信息.通过调用系统函数mem PartInfo Stats使用信号量机制控制对全局变量mem Sys PartId的访问,获取系统内存使用信息.“,”In this paper, in vxworks platform to enable auxiliary system clock, setting the clock-assisted interruption frequency. Can specify a different clock and auxiliary items associated with the interruption function, the system calculates the current task of run-ning the queue to use the CPU clock ticking, in order to report and monitor system total used of CPU time, total interruption used time, core and total time of their leisure time.By calling the system function memPartInfoStats the use of traffic signal control mecha-nism for global variable memSysPartId visit to obtain information on the use of system memory.