Improvement and innovation of teaching methods for civil engineering specialty

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  【Abstract】In the process of the development of the society, the civil engineering industry has developed constantly for which the demand for the students of civil engineering is increasing rapidly. Therefore, to make all the students have the professional and practical abilities to meet the needs of the civil engineering industry for social development, a lot of colleges have strengthened the innovation of the teaching methods. Only by innovating can students fundamentally broaden their professional horizons, enrich their professional knowledge and exercise their professional skills. This paper mainly focuses on the improvement and innovation strategies of the civil engineering majors that aims to provide some references for its teaching in subsequent teaching activities.
  【key words】teaching methods; civil engineering; innovation
  As an inevitable trend of the engineering teaching, the education of innovation can reform the teaching modes fundamentally, help students improve their ability of thinking and creation. At the same time, it can also encourage students to participate in practicing. It can promote the application of innovative knowledge in students’ practice and help students to get better development if we can apply the awareness of the innovation into education. Therefore, innovation education is very important in the reform of civil engineering education.
  1. Analysis of current teaching methods of civil engineering
  The goal of civil engineering teaching is to constantly train students’ practical ability and creative ability, so as to promote students’ employment and cultivate talents for the civil engineering industry. However, there is still a big gap between the reality and the goal. Problems are as follows:
  1.1 The backward teaching mode leads to the lack of enthusiasm of students
  Currently, the teaching mode of civil engineering is mainly to follow the traditional teaching mode whose characteristics is students do not have any right to speak during the whole teaching process, and teachers only teach the theoretical knowledge to students and do not pay attention to students’ feedback.
  This over-traditional teaching method will decrease the passion of students, for which students will become tired of learning about these theoretical knowledge that is not conducive to the improvement of the teaching effect. In addition, limited by the shortage of practical equipment resources in colleges, the teaching process of civil engineering still has some problems such as backward experimental equipment and insufficient quantity.   1.2 Poor practice quality cannot improve student’s skills
  Due to the practicality of civil engineering, teachers are required to contact with practice to develop the teaching activities. However, because of some various aspects, teachers still have several problems in practical teaching:
  1) Many teachers often do not use relevant teaching equipment in the process of practical teaching which causes that students have a weak awareness of practice.
  2) Teachers’ guidance of practical exercise and assessment of students is not enough.
  1.3 Backward examination system cannot fully evaluate students
  At present, the standard of civil engineering majors in assessing students are mainly based on the test scores in the final exam which is very unfavorable for cultivating their abilities of practice and innovation. Because the test is relatively single, it will lead students to focusing on theoretical knowledge but neglecting their practical skills.
  2. The reform of teaching methods
  It is important to adopt effective teaching methods in the process of teaching, which can obviously improve the learning effect. In addition, by focusing on the diversity and pertinence of teaching methods, students can enjoy the process of learning the theoretical knowledge. The teaching of civil engineering is divided into two parts: theoretical teaching and practical teaching. Therefore, civil engineering teaching should start from the following two aspects:
  2.1 The reform of the theoretical teaching
  In civil engineering teaching, teachers should pay attention to the choice of curriculum theory by analyzing the professional knowledge, practice innovation and so on to arrange the most suitable courses for students. Then through the real investigation to provide some practical courses for students to meet the demand of the market.
  2.2 The reform of practical teaching
  As the civil engineering is a practical major, it is necessary to improve students’ comprehension of practical operation in the process of teaching. Through constantly strengthening students’ practical ability, students can combine theory with practice to solve practical problems.
  1) Cases teaching:As the courses of civil engineering are very practical and abstract, it is difficult for students to have a clear concept of the practical application of civil engineering knowledge if they only rely on the teaching methods and the practical equipment. Appropriate civil engineering projects can deepen students’ awareness of the application so it is believed that cases teaching play an important role in deepening students’ impressions.   2) Field teaching:
  The civil engineering industry attaches great importance to practical operation. Therefore, practical teaching is the most important part in the innovative teaching of civil engineering. For this reason, the teachers of colleges should make students participate in the practice truly to master and apply theoretical knowledge they have learnt.
  In practical teaching, colleges can take the approach of combining with enterprises or leading the students into the enterprise to involve all the students in concrete practice. In this way, students can know more about their career goals and the development of civil engineering so that they can correct their attitude to study and improve their learning enthusiasm.
  With the development of the society, the demand for civil engineering professionals is also increasing rapidly which brings out higher requirements for the teaching quality of civil engineering. Innovation education is an important part in the teaching reform of teaching, only through continuous innovation can students improve their practical ability. In addition, in the process of innovative teaching, teachers should combine the theory with practice, and at the same time, we should pay more attention to the practical operation, so as to truly promote the development of the teaching of civil engineering.
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1985年6月4日,北京,人民大会堂。  时任中央军委主席的邓小平轻轻伸出的一个手指头,震惊了世界—中国人民解放军裁减员额100万。    一次从上到下的“立体震荡”    1985年,中央军委正式作出裁军决定后,解放军文艺出版社的团级编辑袁厚春去了武汉大学作家班进修。  在武汉,他经历了原属11大军区之一的武汉军区被撤,看到被裁掉人员的伤感气氛。  一天晚上,武汉军区创作组一文职干部到了袁厚春的
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MOTOROLA VE66 摩托罗拉IVE66时尚手机    当500万像素、跟踪式自动对焦镜头、8倍变焦功能、图像稳定系统、智能红眼消除以及自动饱和度色彩处理技术……这些关键词同时出现用于形容一部手机的拍摄功能时,你会有什么想法?是感叹还是疑问?而这便是摩托罗拉(MOTOROLA)VE66。  除了强大的拍摄功能,VE66还是首次采用第二代MOTO丽音专业硬件降噪技术的摩托罗拉手机:除了可以自动
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十年前,姥姥就跟我们一起住。那时她已经70岁,虽然鬓发花白,却体健神朗。她特别羡慕那些拿着书本的人,因为自己不认字,对识字的人有一种本能的羡慕与景仰。   我半开玩笑地说:“姥姥,我教你认字吧。一天认一个,十年也能读书了,管保比他们读得好!”她笑:“别跟姥姥闹了,十年!姥姥今年都70了。今晚脱鞋上了炕,明儿就不知能不能穿得上。还认什么字!”我不听,随手拿过一张报纸教她念:“今天,本地,大风,降温。
【摘要】初中英语课堂的教学需要构建高效课堂,提高教学的效率。当前初中英语教学存在一定的问题,在新课改下需要寻找构建高效课堂的路径。本文从兴趣、视听、情景以及表演实践四个角度对高效课堂的构建进行了简单地分析。  【关键词】初中英语;高效课堂;路径  【作者简介】陈安琦,镇江新区大港中学。  前言  初中英语高效课堂的构建是新课改下新时期教育教学的重要内容,高效课堂的构建是提高中学生英语学习兴趣的重要
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花是这个世界上的色彩精灵。或许,我们因为早已习惯了与花相伴,所以才会忘记那些藏在花蕊之中的缤纷。其实,当你静下心来用镜头记录这些细小的生命时,才会惊讶地发现在我们日常的视线之外竟有如此美丽的“天地”。在这花卉的微观世界里,时间以不同的方式流逝,一小时就像过了一天,一天像过了一季,一季像过了一生……    在这生灵熟睡的冬季,我们是否已经厌倦那片白色世界,而如果此时你在寂静而毫无生息的雪地里发现了一