
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voyager4032
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2月8日至13日,全国政研会秘书长研讨班暨工作会议在天津石化公司召开。来自全国各省、市、自治区和有关部委、总公司研究会的秘书长近100人出席了会议。会议首先传达了全国宣传部长会议精神和江泽民总书记、丁关根同志的重要讲话精神。中宣部常务副部长、全国政研会常务副会长徐惟诚同志到会并做了重要讲话。徐惟诚同志指出,政研会的工作概括起来主要有两个方面,即认识世界和改造世界。思想工作要通过解疑释 From February 8 to February 13, the seminar and working conference of the secretary general of the National Seminar was held in Tianjin Petrochemical Company. Nearly 100 people from all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the relevant ministries and commissions, and the secretary-general of the headquarters research institute attended the meeting. The meeting first conveyed the spirit of the national propaganda ministerial meeting and the important speech made by General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Comrade Ding Guangen. Comrade Xu Weicheng, standing deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department and executive vice president of the National Research Council attended and made an important speech. Comrade Xu Weicheng pointed out that the work of the political research conference can be summed up mainly in two aspects: understanding of the world and transformation of the world. Ideological work through the interpretation of doubt
Through thermal test, cold state experiment, analysis and simulation of thermal process, the gas flow distribution in pelletizing shaft furnace (PSF) was discus
在现代社会,随着竞争越来越激烈,工作压力越来越大,人才流动更加频繁,人们更关注个体的合作能力、沟通能力、独立解决问题的能力。在这样的背景下,培养孩子的个人品质以及独立解决问题的能力,才是适应社会发展的做法。孩子的成长,“顺风顺水”并不一定是好事,一个阶段的顺利并不能代表整个人生的成功。更何况成长过程属于人生的准备阶段,要为今后的人生道路打下坚实的基础。  从这个意义上讲,我们过度保护孩子的方式是该
今天下午,老师对我们说:“马上就发期末考试成绩前五名的奖品了。”我们高兴地欢呼起来,可取得第六名的同学——刘明玺却伤心起来,因为他不能得到奖品。 This afternoon, th
病例报告: 患者,女,58岁,农民。因发热、头痛伴精神障碍四天入院。T39.0℃,BP13.3/9.3kPa,神志清楚,表清淡漠,思维不连贯。有虚构,查体欠配合,瞳孔等大同圆。对光反应存在,
有关3D打印的话题已经热议了好几年,各领域都在探索这一技术在应用上的可能性。荷兰设计师奥利维尔(Olivier van Herpt)在陶瓷打印领域取得了一定的成果。相对于其他材料而言