
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liz302
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改革开放的年代,是个专业户蓬勃兴起的年代。在当今千千万万个专业户当中,我家也成为其中的一户,不过,我家这个专业户,从事的既不是工业,也不是商业,而是“自学考试”业。由于全家多数成员都参加业余自考学习,便被知情的朋友们称为“自考专业户”。 我于1985年取得了电大中文专科的毕业文凭。欣喜之余,感到“大革文化命”时欠下的学业帐还是没有还清,就又一头扎进了中文本科的目考行列。六女儿邢立双考上了师范专科学校,总觉得自己还有潜力可挖,也想通过“自考”来圆自己的本科梦。二女儿邢立娜考上了中专,自然也不甘原地踏步,课余也捧起了专科的自考教材。妻子相淑玲虽没参加“自考”,但在我们自学的几年中,自选自任“户长”,独揽家务大权,为的是让我们“两耳不闻家务事,一心只读自考书”。没有她的奉献,难有我们的成果。自然,那大红的毕业证书,“有我们的一半,也有她的一半”。称为“一户之长”,至少也得把她列为我们这个“专业户”的“间接从业人员”。 到1995年年底,我和大女儿都已取得了中文本科的毕业证书,二女儿取得了金融专科的毕业证书。现在,二女儿又开始了自考本科段的攀登。自学考试,不但帮助我们能更好地去认识世界,也帮助我们重新认识了自己;不但丰富了我们的科学文化识,也增强了我 The era of reform and opening up is a prosperous era of professional households. My family has also become one of the thousands of professionals in existence today. However, my professional family is neither an industry nor a business, but a self-study exam. Since most family members participate in amateur self-study, they are known as “self-taught professional households” by informed friends. I graduated in 1985 with a Diploma in Chinese at NTU. Rejoicing, felt “Great Revolution” when the academic account owed or not paid off, it plunged into the head of the Chinese undergraduate exams. Six of his daughter Xing Li double admitted to the normal college, always feel that they have the potential to dig, but also want to “self test” to round my own undergraduate dream. Second daughter Xing Lina admitted to the secondary school, naturally not willing to mark the time, after school also won the specialist textbooks. Although his wife Xiang Shuling did not attend the “self test”, but in our self-study for several years, he chose to be the “head of household” and monopolize the power of housework in order to allow us to “ . Without her dedication, it is difficult for us to achieve the result. Naturally, the red diploma, ”There’s half of us, and half of her.“ Known as ”the length of a household,“ at least she has to be classified as our ”specialist“ of ”indirect employees." By the end of 1995, both my eldest daughter and I had obtained the diploma of Chinese undergraduate and the second daughter had obtained the diploma of finance. Now, the second daughter started her own undergraduate section of climbing. Self-study examinations not only help us to better understand the world, but also help us to re-understand ourselves. It not only enriches our knowledge of science and culture, but also strengthens me
自学考生是社会主义建设专门人才的预备队,每个自学者都要努力学习,立志成才。成才离不开自学。 社会主义人才要对社会主义祖国和人民作出贡献,就不仅要有一定的专门知识和
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