Face Culture in Chinese EFL Classroom

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  【Abstract】In China, people regard their “ Face”, which is called “Mianzi” in Chinese, as their self- image in society. This culture factor derived from Confucianism, which is deeply rooted in people’s mind for a long time. The face-maintenance is very important in Chinese people in the aspect of business, interpersonal relationship as well as in education. Moreover, it is particular important in English learning classroom, because the face concern places a big obstacle in learning quality. Teachers in EFL classroom in Asian country should observe this phenomenon and take measures to resolve this obstacle as much as possible.
  【Key words】face culture; ELF classroom; Confucianism
  Several historical, economic and cultural factors have had significant impact on EFL (English as Foreign Language) in China. One significant one being is its mater of Face culture. This factor has had critical impact on classroom participation in EFL classroom. Chinese students pay too much attention to Face culture so that they are not willing to engage into the classroom activities under the pressure of the losing face. In order to improve the class participation, from the experience of teaching, some effective methods will be introduced in this essay.
  I. Face concept in Chinese society
  The Face concept means that people in China treat their face as public image and also as a reciprocal usage of maintaining a good relationship. By not making mistakes in public, people intend to save their Face, which also means protecting public image in social life.
  Chinese people care about their face and they protect it all the time for the reason that face represents public-image. This cultural factor is deeply rooted in people’s mind and they even are not aware about it. And this phenomenon has already saturated into every part of Chinese people’s life.
  1. The origin of the Face concept
  Although the Face concept is very common in some other countries, in China this cultural factor is more obvious and people may not aware about this. According to Xiaoying (2011), the Face concept is derived from its elemental role in human sociality in general. And at the same time, its high salience is showed in China. The Chinese saying that a person needs face like a tree needs bark indicates the importance of face to participate in Chinese society. (Peter, C.
【摘要】在小学英语课堂上,英语绘本教学占据着极其关键的地位,有效地进行英语绘本教学,将有助于增强学生的综合能力,提升他们的核心素养。所以,在小学英语教学中必须积极探索有效且合理的英语绘本教学途径,不断强化学生的英语阅读能力,实现英语教学的目标,推动学生全方面发展。  【关键词】英语绘本;教学;核心素养  【作者简介】宋倩,常州市新北区三井实验小学。  小学英语老师在授课过程中应当基于提升学生核心素
【摘要】多媒体教学给教师提供了一种非常先进的教学手段,成为优化课堂教学的利器,但部分初中英语教师对多媒体教学的运用存在认识上的误区。如何把它和传统的教学手段完美结合实现我们教学的最佳效果是每一位教师值得思考的问题。  【关键词】多媒体 初中英语 整合  在新课程理念的影响下,对初中英语的教学要求也发生了改变。不再是过去以教师作为教学的主体,而是更注重学生在英语学习中的主体发挥,在知识的传递上也更注
【摘要】对中英语码转换现象,本文从以下三个方面:1.中英语码转换的定义;2.中英语码转换的原由;3.中英语码转换的主要功能,进行了探讨和分析。  【关键词】语码转换 定义 原由 主要功能  语码转换(code switching,简称CS)是出现在跨文化交际中的一种本族语与外语之间语码交换的现象. 随着对外交流的日益频繁,中英語码转换语言现象变得十分普遍.本文从中英语码的定义、原由及主要功能三方面
教学内容:Unit 19 Language Lesson 2 Period 1 Varieties of English (Listening and speaking focus)  一、案例实施背景  情境教学法是指在教学过程中,教师有目的地设置一些真实性和准真实性的、具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解知识和技能,并使学生心理机能得到发
【摘要】研究性学习在大学教育中是一种非常重要的教学理念,当前大学教学模式更加偏向于深入性研究,学习方面侧重于对知识内容的深入钻研。当前大学教育的发展应当以研究为主,进行更加深入的知识观与课程观改革,在提升学生研究能力的同时,培养学生在英语后续课程中的研究能力,从而有效提升大学生的研究水平。  【关键词】研究性学习;大学英语;后续课程教学;认知理论  【作者簡介】强萍,女,四川绵阳人,绵阳师范学院,
【摘要】绘本教育是一种新型的教学方式,绘本运用色彩和图片、文字和符号等形式来传递语言,促进儿童感官发育和智力发展。绘本教育已经广泛应用于语文学科,英语学科也应该结合绘本进行教学。本文浅谈绘本在农村小学英语教学中的应用策略,希望对广大教育工作者有借鉴作用。  【关键词】绘本教育;农村;小学英语;应用研究  【作者简介】高珊,兰州新区实验小学。  一、引言  绘本又称英语图画书,指的是通过图画的形式去
《2017年江苏省高考说明》书面表达部分要求考生根据所给情景用英语写一篇150个单词左右的短文。考生应能:(1) 根据特定的语境准确使用英语语法,选用恰当的词汇;(2) 使用一定的句型,词汇,清楚、连贯地传递信息和表达思想。《普通高中英语课程标准(试验)》 也对学生的作文提出了明确的分级标准。  在高中英语教学的实践过程中,笔者发现高中学生的英语写作能力较为贫乏,远远没有达到高考写作的要求,无法在
【摘要】英语作为国际化语言,在英语教学环境中课堂是主要形式,因此激活课堂语言形式,不仅是学生学习效率提升的重要途径同时也是新课改的要求。伴随着时间的推移,很多学生在传统课堂上可能会出现倦怠,注意力不集中的情况,因此教师要利用多种途径激活小学英语课堂,推进小学英语新课改的进行。  【关键词】激活 小学英语 推进 小学英语 新课改  教师在教学过程中要进行更多的尝试,经过实践已经充分证明,教学形式不同
【Abstract】Daisy Fay in the Great Gatsby, designed by the author intentionally, is such a wonderful name and full of symbolic meaning. The features of the name are not only considered to reflect the es