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我们作为老师,经常遇到这样的问题,班级中有些学生平时学习成绩挺好的,考前准备也充分,对某些考试内容甚至可以倒背如流,然而到了考场,特别是到了高考这样的重要时刻,却发挥失常。他们说一到考场就出现情绪紧张,心跳加快,出冷汗,脑海一片空白等现象,其实这种问题在心理学中可以用“克拉克现象”来解释。本文从自己所带班级学生在高考中失利入手,分析了考场克拉克现象,最后就克服高考克拉克现象谈几点看法。 We as teachers, often encounter such problems, some students in class usually very good grades, test preparation is also sufficient, and even some of the contents of the exam can go back to basics, but to the examination room, especially to the college entrance examination such an important moment, But play disorders. When they said they went to the examination room, they experienced emotional stress, rapid heartbeat, cold sweat, and a blank mind. In fact, this problem can be explained in psychology by using the “Clarke Phenomenon.” This article from their own classes with students in the college entrance examination failed to start, analysis of the test Clarke phenomenon, and finally to overcome the phenomenon of college entrance examination to talk about a few words.
【摘要】 新课改下怎样把化学课上的既精彩又让学生学到知识,是我们每个教师追求和向往的。课堂短短的45分钟是我们教师教会学生学会知识的阵地,怎样让学生在快乐中走进知识的海洋,这就需要教师要有自己的一套行之有效的教学手段,既要了解学生的年龄特点又要抓住天真活泼好奇的心理,这样我们才能在课堂上做到事半功倍,人们常说“知己知彼、百战不殆”。所以,我们每上一节课的时候都要认真分析把握各个知识之间的联系,并且
【摘要】 著名数学教育学家斯托利亚尔说过:“数学教学是数学活动的教学。”那么,什么是数学课堂活动?其意义何在?教师在处理课堂活动时又要注意哪些问题?这些都是课程实施中需要研究的问题。  【关键词】 数学教学 课堂活动 实施过程 认识思考  【中图分类号】G640 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)06(a)-0044-01  1 如何选择和设置活动  首先教师要