PK,乃英文Player Killing的缩写,源于MUD(多用户层面或多用户对话,还被称为多用户模拟环境,是很多用户参与活动的一种计算机程序),原指在游戏中高等级玩家随意杀害低等级玩家的行为,后引申发展为“竞技、对决”等含义。用PK一词解读时下中国内地电视综艺娱乐节目的现状,再恰当不过。放眼荧屏上几乎所有的“真人秀”节目,无论是唱歌跳舞类,还是益智游
PK, an English acronym for Player Killing, originated from MUD (a multi-user or multi-user conversation, also known as a multi-user simulation environment, is a computer program that many users participate in), originally referring to high-level players in the game Kill low-level players behavior, after the extension of the development of “competitive, duel ” and other meanings. Use the word PK to interpret the status quo of the entertainment and entertainment programs in Mainland China nowadays. Look at almost all the “reality show” on the screen, whether singing or dancing class, or puzzle tour