Changning Luoqiao Middle School is a rural junior high school with 6 classes, 360 students, and 18 teaching staff. Over the past few years, the school has mainly used the non-professional training methods to improve teachers’ teaching ability and received satisfactory results. Turn “diploma pressure” into motivation for in-service training. Of the teaching staff in this school, 8 were over the age of 35, 10 were under the age of 35, only 1 graduated from junior college, 16 graduated from the middle school and high school, and 1 was the first division. In that “diploma fever”, teachers felt that there was a kind of “diploma pressure,” young teachers asked to leave for further studies, and older teachers applied for teaching in elementary schools. Faced with this situation, school leaders realized that there is currently a large number of teachers who do not have corresponding qualifications in rural junior high schools. The phenomenon of unsuitable for junior high school education is a serious problem. If they both leave their studies and go to teach in elementary schools, they do not have sufficient training.