尽管封建社会女子习武受到许多束缚,但是我国古代佩剑的女子不在少数,不少朝代都曾涌现出一批剑术精湛的巾帼英雄。 据文献记载,“西王母带分景之剑,上元夫人带流黄泽精之剑”。有人认为西王母这段带有神话色彩的记载可能告诉我们,在原始社会中,特别是母系氏族与兽群居的时代,女人曾与男人一样衣兽衣、佩短剑加入打猎的行列。又据记载,夏桀有一宠妃,
Despite the feudal society, women’s martial arts are subject to many restraints, but there are many women in ancient Chinese saber-eaters. Many dynasties have witnessed the emergence of a group of heroic women with superb skills. According to the literature, “King of the West King sword sub-King, the wife of the yellow sword Huangze essence.” Some people think that the account of this mythic color by Queen Mother West might tell us that in the primitive society, especially the matriarchal clans and the herds, the women used to wear hunting clothes like men and women, wearing daggers. According to records, there is a concubine Harcourt,