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企业改革的重点是解决国有大中型企业的问题 建立和发展国有企业是我国社会主义政治和经济的基本制度决定的。以国有企业为重点,深化经济体制改革,是发展国民经济和建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要。 改革开放以来,我们在国有企业的改革上做了许多工作,取得了一些进展,有些方面的进展还较显著。但从总体上看,企业转轨尚未取得实质性突破。国有企业改革进展不快,困难主要在国有大中型企业。对此,邓小平同志曾经明确指出:“企业改革,主要是解决搞活国营大中型企业的问题。”(《邓小平文选》第3卷第192页) The focus of enterprise reform is to solve the problems of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. The establishment and development of state-owned enterprises is the basic institutional decision of China’s socialist politics and economy. Focusing on state-owned enterprises, deepening economic restructuring is the need to develop the national economy and establish a socialist market economic system. Since the reform and opening up, we have done a lot of work in the reform of state-owned enterprises and made some progress. Some progress has been remarkable. However, on the whole, no substantive breakthroughs have been made in the transition of enterprises. The progress of the reform of state-owned enterprises is not fast, and the difficulties are mainly in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. In this regard, Comrade Deng Xiaoping once pointed out clearly: “Enterprise reform is mainly to solve the problem of invigorating large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.” (Deng Xiaoping’s Selected Works, Vol. 3, p. 192)
主动学习是新课程学习的首要特征。《语文课程标准》中指出:学生是学习和发展的主体。如何引导学生主动作文,让学生扬起主动作文的风帆呢?   一、鼓励学生自主表达   习作教学要为学生提供广阔的写作空间,减少对写作的束缚,让学生自主表达,实现写作的个性化。   1.鼓励写自由表达文。自由表达文,是指让学生习作不受文体束缚,不受篇章束缚,自由表达,想写什么就写什么,想怎样写就怎样写,可以写片断,也可
企业间的竞争集中体现在管理水平的竞争、科技的竞争、产品的竞争、质量的竞争 ,归根结底是人才的竞争。树立良好的企业形象 ,使企业在多变的市场中立于不败之地 ,就必须切实
The Caucasian-Arabian belt is part of the huge late Cenozoic Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt formed by collision of continental plates.The belt consists of two d
目前我们的教育培训模式存在着诸多的问题。第一 ,针对性、适应性不强 ,培训效果差强人意。领导干部与一般员工、外勤与内勤、省市一级与工商所的同志往往是一套教材、一样要
文章分析了成人高教存在的问题 ,并提出了解决这些问题的措施 The article analyzes the existing problems of adult higher education and puts forward the measures to
方龄贵先生在《元明戏曲中的蒙古语》一书中 ,考释了出现在元明戏曲中的 114个蒙古语词的汉义。这一成果在学界功不可没。然而某些结论还有商榷余地。本文拟就该书考释的两个
于浴贤教授的新著《六朝赋述论》由河北大学出版社近期出版 ,这是 2 0世纪末辞赋研究的又一新成果。近 2 0年来 ,在辞赋研究的热潮中 ,出现了令世人瞩目的可喜现象 ,那就是断