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  在服务贸易领域,自1995年东盟服贸自由化一揽子政策出台以来,在《东盟服务协定框架》下已形成9套相关政策,制度透明化、 商业渗透率各项指标得到提高。
  罗克敏称,2008年全球经济危机爆发后,中国与东盟国家成为全球经济的增长引擎, 因此,建立互利、和平、高效、可持续的中国—东盟双边关系,符合全球经济发展的要求。
  许志亮 编译
  Singapore to Create a Smart Nation
  By Jolene Yeo
  Singapore sits atop global rankings in many areas – education, healthcare, seaports and airports. But the success story of the city-state is far from done. Singapore, a country with one of the world’s highest smartphone penetration rate, is about to add the “world’s leading Smart Nation” honorific to its slew of grand achievements.   The vision of a “smart nation” is almost a dystopian one – autonomous cars ruling streets, Biopolis cities within giant domes, cities broken up into capsule climate-controlled biospheres.
  The Smart Nation initiative seeks to harness information communication technology, networks and data to create a profound impact in changing the way we live, work and play. Coordinating this initiative is the Smart Nation Programme Office in the Prime Minister’s Office, rallying citizens, industries, research institutions and the government to co-create innovative solutions to deal with current problems.
  Singapore’s Smart Nation initiatives
  The Smart Nation initiative will allow Singapore to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. These challenges include urban density, the ageing population, healthcare, mobility and energy sustainability.
  With a population density of 8,000 per square kilometre, Singapore is the world’s third most densely populated nation. Coupled with that is the expected avalanche of elderly population and rising dependency ratio (the ratio of working adults supporting the elderly). The Smart Nation initiative tackles these problems through the Housing Development Board’s “Smart HDB Town Framework”.
  Specifically, the Smart Elderly Alert System will include motion sensors in the house to monitor the safety of elderly residents. These data collected by private companies can then be accessed, with permission, by care givers. Given the flux of elderly residents and an increasing number living alone, this will give family members and caregivers of elderly a piece of mind when leaving alone at home.
  At present, households in Yuhua estate and Punggol Northshore estate in Singapore use such Smart technology to monitor the safety of residents, as well as to management lightning and waste management, which includes waste tracking to reveal and prevent the spread of diseases.
  Towards the likes of the Hunger Games Arena is the idea of Fluid Walls – walls coming alive. Architecture will be made more physically flexible, with walls, ceilings and partitions that fold and unfold. This results in more dynamic spaces, reaping multiple usages derived from the same square footage.
  Other initiatives, perhaps to the benefit of energy sustainability but of detriment to the pockets of taxpayers, including mandatory satellite-linked devices that will be placed in all Singapore-registered vehicles – including those of private citizens. The satellite-based tracking will allow tolls to be charged more precisely, based on distance travelled. It would also allow for dynamic pricing, adapting the prices based on road conditions in real-time.   How ready is Singapore to embrace disruptive technology?
  Pundits of Singapore’s ICT and innovation sector continue to express the lack of an entrepreneurial culture in Singapore. While Singapore relies heavily of imports of advanced technology and technology experts to supplement the local talent pool, Singapore’s private sector may not yet be receptive to the development of innovations because of the lack of a sizeable indigenous high-tech sector. Given the island-nation’s struggles with raising labour productivity above its current anemic level, it may be a sign that innovation is not a pronounced characteristic of the Singapore economy.
  While far from the likes of MIT or Silicon Valley, the culture of entrepreneurship has made inroads into Singapore. Launchpad, for instance, is a start up district that brings together the government, start-ups and venture capitalists. It has since been described as the world’s densest start-up ecosystem. Furthermore, the likes of Zopim, Carrousell and Viki stands as testament to the growing clout of Singapore’s home-grown successes.
  The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has also established a research centre -- conveniently known as SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) in Singapore, the first of its kind outside the United States. Professor Hastings, director of SMART says that Singapore has the “political will to innovate”.
  Although a parliamentary democracy, Singapore’s unitary-state like structure of governance has long played an essential role in the island-nation glorious success stories, and its ability to effect policy changes and effect change on the ground, be it by the carrot or the stick. Research institutions such as the likes of SMART often receive an undisclosed chunk of ever growing tranche of government research money – cut out of the country’s opulent government coffers.
  The smart nation rhetoric promises a myriad of possibilities. The Singapore government’s ambitious trajectory seeks to thread a fine line between scrutiny into the private sphere, and sustainability. While both the education and economic landscape appears to be morphing in favour of embracing innovation, it remains to be seen if Singapore can punch above its weight to carry the clout of the world’s first “Smart Nation”.
货物贸易、服务贸易与投资如同拉动中国—东盟自贸区前行的三匹骏马,但相对于“早期收获”的货物贸易和受益面广的服务贸易,中国—东盟双向投资的表现并不算理想,其对于自贸区的拉动作用还比较有限。因此,在最新签署的中国—东盟自贸区升级版谈判成果文件中,除了货物与服务贸易的改进,关于投资领域的升级也备受期待。  按照中国—东盟商务理事会执行理事长许宁宁的理解,现在及今后一段时间内,自贸区将进入“小步快跑、逐步
穿过文莱首都斯里巴加湾市市区的文莱河,在市中心形成一个水面宽阔的河湾,这里有由3000多栋房屋组成的40个“水村”群。水村有着1300年的历史,是文莱的一大特色,是世界上最大的传统水上村落。  早在公元1521年,这里迷宫般矗立在河上的水上村落就给初次到文莱的麦哲伦探险队留下了深刻的印象。曾随麦哲伦远航的意大利旅行家安东尼·帕加塔对展现在他眼前的水村景致非常着迷。后来,在他的《首次周游世界》一书中
“你好,加个微信吧”。随着微信这一即时通讯软件在中国的风靡,交换微信号成为人们建立联络的一大途径。从“留个号码”到“加个微信”,微信悄然改变了中国人的生活方式。而四年前微信国际版WeChat的海外试水,又将微信的旋风刮到了世界各地。  作为中国的近邻,东盟市场与中国市场有诸多相似之处,在巨大的应用需求下,东盟用户对于这款绿白色的软件是否“感冒”?经过几年发展,“国产货”微信在中国之南的东盟市场表现
早在东盟共同体成立前,东南亚便已是世界投资者的宠儿。投资回报率是企业决策的重要依据,东盟以其丰富的资源和劳动力、低廉的投资成本、具有一定消费能力的人群和政策对投资的高度支持,吸引了大量外资。2014年,东盟外商直接投资额(FDI)已连续第二年超过中国。  越南和泰国是东盟国家中两个深受中国企业欢迎的投资目的地,与中国在制造业、互联互通、基础设施建设、旅游、金融、能源等众多领域的投资合作稳步推进,为
新加坡在教育、医疗保健、港口和机场等诸多领域的全球排行榜中名列前茅。然而,这个城市国家的成功故事远未就此结束。新加坡在其发展历程中所取得的卓越成就,不胜枚举;作为世界上智能手机普及率最高的国家之一, 新加坡将致力于实现“世界领先智能国家”的发展目标,从而为其发展锦上添花。  “智能国家”是一个近似于反乌托邦式的发展愿景:街道上停满了自动驾驶的汽车;气势雄伟的楼宇间坐落着生物城;城市遍布着各种具有气
June 3, 2016 (Bloomberg) -- Singapore’s state-owned investment firms Temasek Holdings Pte and GIC Pte, long-term Alibaba Group Holding Inc investors, bought a combined US$ 1 billion of stock in the Ch
东盟各国就开放货运服务签订的多边协议,承诺于2016年帮助该地区将航空货运总量提高50%。印度尼西亚航空货运行业有望从中获益。  印度尼西亚国家航空运营商协会(INACA)货运部门负责人Boyke P. Soebroto称,该协议将为印尼各航空货运供应商带来更加广阔的市场。  在签订东盟“天空开放条约”(又名“东盟统一航空市场条约”)之前,印度尼西亚货运飞机需经停新加坡等国,将其作为抵达最终目的地